A Fungus Among Us


Explore the Hidden Beauty of Fungi! Are you ready to discover the beauty and diversity of fungi during your nature walks? Prepare to be amazed at the fascinating world that awaits you as you explore mushrooms and molds like never before!

A Fungi Nature Study Is Like a Treasure Hunt!

You may think you know how to find mushrooms and molds during a fungi nature study, but you’ll be amazed at what you discover using this NaturExplorers guide. You’ll have fun seeing them in a whole new light!

Embrace Nature’s Hidden Wonders

While fungi might not be your first thought for nature study, this guide reveals a colorful and captivating world right under your nose. Dive into fun lessons that answer questions like:

  • What’s the difference between mushrooms and mold?
  • Are lichens fungi?
  • What is the fruiting body of a fungus?
  • Why do fungi thrive after it rains?
  • Where are the best spots to find fungi on a nature walk?

Outdoor Fungus Adventures

Explore the outdoors with creative nature walks such as fungi comparisons, measuring fungi, and creating charts to map your findings. Understand the functions of different fungi characteristics and marvel at God’s creation.

Hands-On Indoor Activities

Indoors, engage in exciting hands-on activities like:

  • Making spore prints
  • Growing mold
  • Experimenting with yeast
  • And safe fungi taste-testing

Additionally, through kid-friendly research projects:

  • Learn how molds can both help and harm.
  • Learn about historical fungal impacts.
  • Explore the role of mycologists.
  • And much more!

Comprehensive Learning

With tons of ideas and 17 notebooking pages, A Fungus Among Us offers weeks of exploration and learning. This fun science study ignites excitement in both children and adults as they uncover the wonders of fungi!

Perfect for Botany and Biology Studies

This guide enhances your botany or general biology studies and provides a deeper understanding of fungi’s role in nature and their impact on our world.

Start Your Fungi Nature Study Today!

Transform your perception of fungi with A Fungus Among Us. Engage in hands-on exploration, discover scientific wonders, and appreciate the beauty and importance of these often-overlooked organisms. Get your guide today and bring science to life!




Grade Level

1st-8th Grades

Is Printing Necessary?


Suitable for Black and White Printing




Frequently Asked Questions

  • Inspirational literature suggestions
  • Background information for the parent or teacher concerning the main focus of the nature topic
  • An abundance of creative nature walks
  • Follow-up hands-on activity ideas
  • Writing and research ideas that encompass several subject areas
  • References for Bible study, artist study, composer study and poetry tie-ins
  • Child-friendly internet links and book lists for further study
  • Ideas for adapting the material for younger and older children, as well as ideas for groups of children
  • Several colorful, prepared notebooking pages
  • General nature study suggestions

The NaturExplorers series was written with 1st-8th graders in mind. The curriculum activities are adaptable for all ages, though; specific ideas are included for incorporating your older and younger students. We have personally used NaturExplorers with children from three to fifteen, with all ages (even adults) drawn in almost magically.

Yes! Most of the ideas can easily be used with groups of childrenโ€”traditional classrooms, homeschool co-ops, summer camps, after-school programs, 4-H programs, and more. Additionally, there is a small section of ideas written specifically for groups.

Any homeschooler using any homeschooling style will find NaturExplorers guides useful.  Charlotte Mason homeschoolers will love the ideas for tying in poetry, artist and composer studies, and the living literature lists to enhance learning.  Those who use unit studies will be excited that most of what they need for a full unit study is already here.  Unschoolers will appreciate the ability to implement ideas at just the right time easily.  Project-based homeschoolers will be excited at many project ideas that meet many learning styles.  Traditional and Classical homeschoolers can pull as little or as much from the ideas as they desire.

New homeschoolers and teachers will appreciate the thoroughly laid-out ideas, while veteran homeschoolers and teachers will be thankful that the ideas are already pulled together and ready to use.

It depends entirely on how you decide to use the curriculum.  Since the guides are extremely flexible, you might spend a week, two weeks, a month, or more immersing your family in one topic โ€“ much like a unit study. If you need nature walk ideas, you might spend one month or one year on a single topic. Either way, youโ€™ll have plenty of ideas to keep you busy!

The beauty of each study is its adaptability. You can pick one nature walk and put the book down, or take nature walks repeatedly focusing on the same nature topic and not run out of new ideas for a long time. The nature topic can be used as a full-fledged, science-based unit study if desired. Besides math and phonics, you will find ideas for virtually every other subject. Some of the guides even include a hands-on math idea or two!

No need to worry! The NaturExplorers curriculum is not dependent on the literature suggestions. You are free to find other books on the same topic or leave extra reading out completely.

This answer varies depending on the part of the world in which you live.  A sample list provided below is most appropriate for those who enjoy each of the four seasons in their fullness.  Keep an eye open in your area; youโ€™ll soon see which topics are most appropriate during a particular season.


  • Animal Signs
  • Beautiful Birds
  • Captivating Clouds
  • Constant Conifers
  • Delightful Deciduous Trees
  • Everchanging Erosion
  • Frogs and Toads
  • A Fungus Among Us
  • Hard as a Rock
  • Incredible Creeks
  • Peaceful Ponds
  • Remarkable Rain
  • Wonderful Wildflowers
  • Nature Study Through the Holidays: Easter


  • Animal Signs
  • Beautiful Birds
  • Butterflies Flutter By
  • Captivating Clouds
  • Constant Conifers
  • Delightful Deciduous Trees
  • Everchanging Erosion
  • Flying Creatures of the Night
  • Frogs and Toads
  • Fruits and Nuts
  • Hard as a Rock
  • Incredible Creeks
  • Peaceful Ponds
  • Remarkable Rain
  • Spectacular Spiders
  • Wonderful Wildflowers


  • Animal Signs
  • Beautiful Birds
  • Butterflies Flutter By
  • Captivating Clouds
  • Constant Conifers
  • Coping with the Cold
  • Delightful Deciduous Tres
  • Everchanging Erosion
  • Fruits and Nuts
  • A Fungus Among Us
  • Hard as a Rock
  • Incredible Creeks
  • Peaceful Ponds
  • Remarkable Rain
  • Spectacular Spiders
  • Wonderful Wildflowers
  • Nature Study Through the Holidays: Advent


  • Animal Signs
  • Beautiful Birds
  • Captivating Clouds
  • Constant Conifers
  • Coping with the Cold
  • Delightful Deciduous Trees
  • Everchanging Erosion
  • Hard as a Rock
  • Snow and Ice

No way! While each NaturExplorers guide focuses on a particular topic, the lessons are not dependent on any particular things within that topic. For instance, if you can access any flower anywhere in the world, you can use the Wonderful Wildflower guide. Or, if you have access to any deciduous tree, you can use the Delightful Deciduous Trees guide.

You’ll find plenty of indoor learning suggestions, including hands-on activities, kid-friendly research projects, booklists, and more. However, much of the curriculum relies heavily on experiencing nature through creative nature walks. While you could still use the guides without taking the nature walks, you may want to consider the Nature Study Made Easy series instead.

No, the NaturExplorers series looks at nature through the lens of creation-based science and includes some Bible lessons.

You can always email a picture or story to me at [email protected]. Better yet, share pictures of your adventures on social media and tag me @ourjourneywestward!

In regards to the downloadable curriculum and freebies on Our Journey Westward:

When purchasing a downloadable product, you are purchasing a license to use the product, not the product itself. The license is not transferable.

Each download is meant for single family use. You may keep a copy of the e-file on personal devices and print the file for personal use.

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  • Share or link to the e-file directly; link to the blog post or product page instead.

  • Alter the e-files in any way.

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  • Host an e-file on your website or upload it to a shared website.

A teacher of a co-op or classroom may use an e-file with her students. She may keep a copy of the e-file on personal devices and print it in its entirety for her use. She may make multiple copies of student pages as necessary.

She may not share the e-file with other teachers, even if they are team teachers. Each teacher needs to purchase her own copy of the curriculum file.

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  • Share or link to the e-file directly; link to the blog post or product page instead.

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  • Host an e-file on your website or upload it to a shared website.

Some folks enjoy creating additional notebook pages, worksheets, charts, etc., to accompany the NaturExplorers studies and other Our Journey Westward publications. The pages you create must only be used with your children and may NOT be sold for profit or shared with others (online or otherwise) as free enhancements, go-alongs, or otherwise.

While Our Journey Westward is pleased you enjoy our products and wish to create derivative materials, doing so without authorization violates copyright law. In other words, it is considered theft of intellectual property rights. We trust that you will understand the importance of this and thank you for your cooperation.

If you wish to create derivative materials for sale or as freebies, please contact us to discuss possible permission.

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The following curricula meet the requirements of charter schools to remain neutral on religion.

The following professional development materials remain neutral on religion.


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