Famous Artists of the Renaissance


Teaching about famous artists of the Renaissance is easy with this complete curriculum that covers the art era, biographical information about three Renaissance artists and various art styles of those artists. Picture study, notebooking pages, and art creation are encouraged.

Are you looking for a unique way to incorporate artist study into your homeschool or classroom? This easy-to-use guide has just about everything you need to gain a thorough understanding of three Renaissance artists and their work.

In the curriculum you will find:

  • An overview of the Renaissance art period
  • Biographical information about Donatello, Michelangelo, and da Vinci
  • Several colorful images for picture study with directions to complete a successful picture study
  • Additional lists of famous artwork by each artist
  • Notebooking pages for each artist
  • Notebooking pages for various art styles
  • Booklists and resources for further study

Your 3rd-8th grade students will enjoy learning about the era, artists, and art styles. After several days of exposure to an artist from a variety of angles, they will even encouraged to create their own art in similar styles.

The curriculum is very versatile, meaning you can use it in whatever way works for your family. In our home, we tend to complete artist study once per week. Our schedule through this curriculum looks something like this and providesย a full semester of artist study:

Week 1: Read through the introduction of the art era.

Week 2: Read through the biographical info about one artist and complete a picture study.

Week 3: Complete a notebooking page about the highlighted style of art and a picture study.

Week 4: Complete a biographical notebooking page about the artist and a picture study.

Week 5: Complete an art project in the style of the artist.

Weeks 6-9: Repeat the previous four-week cycle with a different artist.

Weeks 10-13: Repeat the four-week cycle again with the final artist.

Weeks 14-16: Complete more art projects in the styles of the artists.

Since the lessons cover a wide variety of skills – like biographical reading, research, writing, picture study, and art – they are academically strong and you’ll feel good about the time spent.

Note that the Renaissance era was known for nudity in art. Not only were they attempting to revive ancient art (which included lots of nudity), there was a new interest in understanding anatomy in the fields of medicine and art. There are six images that show private parts in this curriculum.ย It would be very difficult for you to use the curriculum without also using the nude images.


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