
Cumberland Falls

We took a mini-trip to Cumberland Falls in Southern KY not too long ago.  It was such a beautiful afternoon!  The waterfall is majestic, the rock samples are outstanding, the hikes are not too difficult, and the scenery is gorgeous! You’re able to walk right up to the water a short distance before the waterfall….

Daddy’s Retirement

Below are some pictures from my Dad’s retirement parties.  He worked at a hospital for 30 years – in the laboratory for about half those years and in the technology department for the other half.  It was quite obvious that those he worked with loved him very much and I was so glad they asked…

Summer Time!

Whew!  I’m ready to get back to school just so I have an excuse to stop the insanity!  LOL!  What’s been keeping us busy lately? I know I’ve been MIA a little lately.  Between all these fun activities, the garden, planning for school and writing the next set of NaturExplorer units, I haven’t had much…

Our First Baptism!

Mahayla was baptized this weekend! Praise the Lord! We have sensed for some time that the Lord was working on her precious heart. What a blessing it was to hear her say she was ready to accept Christ! It just so happened that we were celebrating Caleb’s 9th birthday this weekend with family, so we…

Another Horse Crazy Kid?

My horse crazy daughter is already influencing her two-year-old brother.  He asks at least once a day… Thithy (Sissy) can we go see your Candoo White Wady (Candlelight Lady)? Of course, Mahayla obliges and now I’m afraid we have more than one harse crazy kid in the family!

Mother’s Day

Being a mom is truly one of the most precious gifts the Lord blesses us with!  I have wonderful children and I thank God so much for them – their sweet little hearts, their funny spirits, their creativity – the list goes on and on!  Here are just a few memories from Mother’s Day this…

My Oldest Love

She turned 12.  How did that happen??  Happy Birthday my sweet girl, or I suppose I should say my sweet young lady!  What a privilege and honor to be your mother! We had lots of fun celebrating with a little ice skating, a family party and a girls-only (plus a toddler) shopping trip. Oh, and…

More Snow Fun

My children seem to think all the snow is wonderful!  After a busy day of snowmen and sledding, they spent hours cutting out and hanging snowflakes all over their bedrooms.  It’s festive for sure!  (I’m keeping my fingers crossed that all that tape doesn’t pull the paint from the ceiling!  Oh well, they’re only kids…

A Birthday Party!

Eli won’t officially be two until December 23rd.  Since everyone was going to be in town for the big kid’s Christmas Program Sunday, we decided to celebrate his birthday a little early. Eli with his Daddy and Great-Grandpa. He didn’t quite understand what presents were all about at first, but let’s just say I think…