Ball Season and Much More
Baseball and softball season makes for a b-u-s-y life. But, it’s so much fun. Fresh air, exercise, cheering on my children, encouraging other children – good stuff.

This is Caleb’s 6th year of ball – 1st year in B-ball (kid pitch) where he plays 2nd and right-center field for the Red Sox. Their team is very competitive this year, but better yet, they have encouraging coaches who are there to instruct rather than criticize. (I can’t say that for all the team’s coaches, sadly.)
Mahayla is in her 3rd year of softball with the Wildcats. She plays wherever she’s needed and happily goes about her day whether her team wins or loses. And it’s a good thing, because her team has yet to win. 🙁
We’ve been so busy enjoying summer that I may or may not post regularly for a while. In the mean time, here are just a few things we’ve been up to besides ball games…
Melissa and her children drove down for a visit recently. Of course, we took a nature walk together! This picture of the boys is the only good picture I took all day – we were too busy enjoying one another! We also spent some time talking about future publications from Shining Dawn Books. Once we release the Incredible Creeks unit in July or August, we plan to start thinking about other products – some nature related, some not. I think you’ll be excited about them!
My niece had her 6th birthday party at the YMCA with a gymnastics theme. The kids had a blast!
We spent Father’s Day evening hanging out at the drive-in together. Toy Story 3 is a great little movie!
We took a nice break during a trip full of errands in Lexington to ride paddle boats. I’ll post about that adventure soon.
And we’ve been busy this week with the county fair. I’ll write a post about showing goats and some of the 4-H entries soon, too. The short of it – we were fairly obvious newbies in the goat showing circle (Ha!), but the kids came home with lots of red, blue and grand champion ribbons for their 4-H entries!
I hope your summer has been full of memory making fun, too!!