A Birthday Party!
Eli won’t officially be two until December 23rd. Since everyone was going to be in town for the big kid’s Christmas Program Sunday, we decided to celebrate his birthday a little early.
Eli with his Daddy and Great-Grandpa.

He didn’t quite understand what presents were all about at first, but let’s just say I think he’ll take to it pretty quickly when Christmas morning arrives this year!

I hesitate to even share this picture of his birthday cake-less table. Third children born in the month of December are sure to lose out, aren’t they? He wanted a truck and tractor theme. Since we’d already made tons of cookies and sweets, I decided to improvise on the whole cake thing and save myself a little time. Shameful, I know. I’d rather be called creative! 😉
Happy Birthday my sweet “ittle boy”!
Thanks so much for adding the Homeschool Showcase button to your blog. You sound like my kind of homeschool mom — Charlotte Mason, classical and unit studies.
Love the birthday pictures. I have a December birthday boy, too, though not quite so close to Christmas. And, if I’d had another boy, his middle name would’ve been Eli.
I think the tractor full o’ treats is very creative.
Happy Birthday to Eli!!
I LOVE the cookie in the truck theme, very creative.
Love Ya,