World War II was yet another touching unit in our household. We have grown to love history SO much through the use of living literature, good informational texts and projects. History was something I yawned over year after year in high school and college. I couldn’t imagine EVER liking it! It’s been a refreshing journey full of learning for me as well as my children to learn history in a real and meaningful way.
As with all our 1900’s studies, we continued the notebooking posters for each topic.
We also took a trip to the Cincinnati Museum Center where they house a Cincinnati History Museum, among others. About half of their displays just happened to be on WWII! I couldn’t believe it since we had originally visited it as a link to the Great Depression since the building, Union Terminal, was built during the Depression.

Below is the list of resources that have been in the sidebar. I hope you find them useful! This week we started into a study on the 50’s and 60’s!
WWII Resources
I hope you’ll forgive me for the length of this list. There are SO MANY wonderful books and such that are worth making a part of a WWII study. I just couldn’t help adding them all.
Very Kid-Friendly Research Links
Cyber Learning World’s Interactive Map
We love, love, LOVE the Cincinatti Museum!
Where do you get all of your project ideas from?
I am so far from creative trying to teach a hands-on student.
You have great ideas I just need a play by play.
Thanks for any suggestions.
I wrote a post a little while back on this very topic. :o) You can find it at https://ourjourneywestward.com/2010/02/where-i-find-project-ideas/.
Let me know if you have any other questions!
Filing this away for when we get to WWII. Great unit you’ve put together – thanks for sharing! 🙂