Vacation Highlights Part 2 – Norfolk, VA

Norfolk, Virginia houses the largest US Naval Base in the world – and it’s huge! Just about everything in Norfolk seems to revolve around the navy including shipyard after shipyard similar to the picture above.
We only spent one afternoon in Norfolk, but easily could’ve stayed longer if we had the time. Our main purpose for visiting was to tour the USS Wisconsin.

Little did we know that our entry fee onto the ship also included an AMAZING hands-on naval history and ocean science center called The Nauticus!! (Can you see how the building is shaped like a ship?)
From a sneak-peak into the inner-workings of the USS Wisconsin…
and virtual war games…
to weather lab games…
and ocean animals…
to ocean exploration…
and classes to create your own motorized ROV…
this place was AWESOME! Well-worth the ticket price!
Next stop – Colonial Williamsburg.
Sounds like a great vacation. I love how us homeschool moms always have to throw in a little learning with our vacations 🙂 We’re so sneaky that way!