project-based learning

Project Q & A

Here’s one more really good question that has come in regarding unit studies specifically relating to projects… “In regards to projects and presentations, how do you gently help improve the note taking, thoroughness of information and actual presentations?  I know some of this will come with practice, but I’d like to improve on these things…

Unit Studies Revisited

It’s been well over a year since I posted anything about the nitty-gritty planning of my unit studies.  I’ve had several email questions lately wondering how I plan, so I thought it might be time for a new post on the subject. The emails I’ve received have all been similar in the basic four questions…

Project-Based Learning

I’ve had lots of questions about the projects we complete as part of our homeschool life.  I’ve even presented a workshop specifically concerning this topic, as well as including it as a topic in my most popular workshop “Creative Homeschooling”. I’ve been wanting to write a blog post about incorporating projects into your homeschool for…

Geography landmarks postcard project

US Geography Resources

We had a great time studying United States geography!  One of the coolest projects during the study included research, some technology skills, writing and a bit of art. US Geography We took some time to learn about famous national landmarks during the unit.  As a final project, I gave the kids a list of several…

A Tree House!

It’s been in the works for about 6 months (and actually still needs a roof), but the big kids officially have a tree house!!  It’s very rustic – which I love.  The kids are already planning to deck it out in Boxcar Children-style!  I’ll post indoor pictures when it’s complete. Have a very blessed Memorial…

Quilt square of green, yellow, and orange. This photo is used for a blog post about westward expansion

Westward Expansion Projects

(This post contains affiliate links.) Westward Expansion Unit Our time spent learning about pioneers and the Westward Expansion was so full, fun and meaningful.  As with most of our unit studies, this one was very literature-rich and included a healthy portion of project-based learning. What Did We Learn? I tried to pulled together a unit…

Kids dressed up for a Night at the Museum Party

Night at the Museum Party

(This post contains affiliate links.) Night at the Museum Movie: Watch and Learn Short and Sweet Version: Co-op Class Only Meets Twice First Meeting:  Everyone watches the movie, Night at the Museum, together.  This meeting is strictly for fun. At Home:  Each child chooses either an historical character from the movie, another interesting person from…

American Revolution Unit

The American Revolution is such an exciting and inspiring time in our country’s amazing history!  As always, we learned so much through our literature-based, project-based unit study. My children were in 5th and 2nd grades during this four+ week study. American Revolution Resources   Internet Scavenger Hunt Living Literature We read and listened to many,…

Embriodery Project

We did many projects to go along with our Colonial Life unit study, but this one tops the list.  Not only were these embroidered hand prints a wonderful handicraft activity, they turned out beautifully, too.  So much so, that they are gracing my mantle right now and I plan to hang them on the wall…

13 Colonies Lapbook/Notebook

We’re finishing up our Thirteen Colonies & Colonial Life Unit this week!  I’ll be posting soon about the biggest chunk of the unit, but I wanted to take a minute to highlight the 13 Colonies lapbook/notebook we put together using: I had to do the legwork of locating library books about each of the Thirteen…

Yellow cornbread made in a black cast iron pan. Used as an image for a blog post about a Native American Unit Study

Native American Unit Study

(This post contains affiliate links.) Native American Unit Study Our Native American unit was a tad more independent than most units we’ve done in the past.  I’m trying to allow Mahayla to take on the freedom in learning that she desires, while pushing Caleb toward taking more responsibility for his learning. A Book and an…

KY Project Presentations

Last week we finished up a short, but successful unit on our state.  I think all involved liked the change of pace this time around.  Mahayla practically completed her readings, worksheets and projects on her own, while Caleb and I tackled his work at our own pace.  Here are just a few highlights. Kentucky Notebooks Using several…