multi-age learning

Ancient Israel

The history of Ancient Israel is now under our belts!  I have to admit that I swerved from the textbook a tad during this unit to add  several hands-on ideas that I simply couldn’t pass up from Old Testament Days.  This unit study guide is perfect for active learning!   Below you’ll find a mixture…

National Missionary Convention

Another field trip bites the dust.  More than a simple field trip, though, this one was life changing!   The National Missionary Convention was held this past weekend in Lexington, and because our church registered, we were able to attend for free.  You know me and field trips, I wasn’t about to pass up a free…

KY State Fair

We love the State Fair!  This year was our first time being more than spectators and we had a busy, but exciting blast.  The big kids showed goats two nights in a row, which left two days full of exploring all the sights and sounds. Some kind friends hauled our two goats to the fair…

Henri Matisse Resources

We spent much of our month with Matisse completing art with scissors since Matisse’s later works were often collages or realistic and abstract art constructed from cuttings. The artwork below was actually harder than it looks.  I asked the kids to use rulers to measure the desired sized blocks of color for the background.  The…

Cincinnati Museum Center

I had mentioned in my WWII post about the Cincinnati Museum Center.  Besides the Cincinnati History Museum, this historical building – Union Terminal – houses the Duke Energy Children’s Museum and the Museum of Natural History and Science.  (Oh, yes, and an Omnimax Theater and Amtrak Terminal.)  For a very fair price, you can choose…

Charles Russell Resources

We’ve been so immersed in our 1900’s history studies, that Charles Russell took a bit of a back seat this month.  We did find the time to practice a little horse drawing, though.  Enjoy the resources below! Charles Russell About Charles Russell Paintings We’re Studying Round-up on the Musselshell Lesson Ideas How to Draw a…

Project Q & A

Here’s one more really good question that has come in regarding unit studies specifically relating to projects… “In regards to projects and presentations, how do you gently help improve the note taking, thoroughness of information and actual presentations?  I know some of this will come with practice, but I’d like to improve on these things…

Georges Seurat Resources

Seurat is such a fun artist to study!  His use of pointillism was the biggest topic during the month, which made for some fun art projects.  The painting above was an attempt at recreating an “Alfalfa” style painting (see below) with a mixture of strokes and styles.  After using many different tools to create pointillism,…

Unit Studies Revisited

It’s been well over a year since I posted anything about the nitty-gritty planning of my unit studies.  I’ve had several email questions lately wondering how I plan, so I thought it might be time for a new post on the subject. The emails I’ve received have all been similar in the basic four questions…