Caleb’s Latest Invention
What can an eight year old boy do with a yard stick, two clothespins, electrical tape and too many rubber bands? Create a weapon, of course! (And it really works!)
What can an eight year old boy do with a yard stick, two clothespins, electrical tape and too many rubber bands? Create a weapon, of course! (And it really works!)
Shoes on the wrong feet. Clothes put on all by themselves.
I have a collection of really great paintings and pictures that I’ve torn from magazines and books over the years. One of last week’s rainy and cold afternoons called for something to occupy the restless troops. They chose one of the paintings, cut it in half, pasted one half on a piece of cardstock and…
What a wonderful grammar resource Mahayla now has! At the beginning of the school year, I decided Operation: English Grammar from In the Hands of a Child would be a weekly addition to Mahayla’s grammar studies. She completed one-two lapbook activities per week, and now that it’s finished, has a super resource full of grammar…
Okay, I have to admit up front that Christian Kids Explore Chemistry is getting tough for this ol’ momma who realized early on that she was never meant to be a chemist in life. Seriously, what I’m teaching the kids now are things I learned in high school! Lucky for me, the book is walking…
In Kentucky, there is the possibility of a new law taking effect that would allow our homeschooled children to take part in public school sports without having to be part of the public school system otherwise. Many homeschoolers in our state are in favor of such a law – and I can definitely see their…
(This post contains affiliate links.) Taming the Toddler The time has come to keep the toddler busy during school. I’ve always had to keep him occupied, of course, but now I’m finding the need for an arsenal of ideas so that school can flow smoothly. Well, as smoothly as school can flow with a toddler…
Thanks to the ladies at the CM Artist Study group, I’ve found a wonderful site for various nativity scenes that we’ll use for art study this month. Each week, we’ll observe ALL of the paintings noticing different things each time like: realism colors feelings which ones capture the reverence best, or the joy best, etc…
School is just about up and running again and schedules are getting back on track. I sure love the freedom that summer brings, but I’m always ready to get back on schedule. School schedules, chore schedules, weekly engagement schedules. Somehow, life is just calmer when it’s scheduled (around here anyway.) Here’s a rough sketch of…
School will be starting up again soon! We’ll probably wait until the rest of the garden has been harvested and canned/frozen, but the serious planning is well underway already. Following is our overall plan for the year. Bible Since working through the Old, then New Testaments over the last two years, I think we’re going to…
We finally did it. School started today. I’ve been wanting to start each Monday for the last three or four weeks, but too much kept getting in the way. So, today began a new year and it went pretty well. Eli is going to be a challenge, but I imagine he’ll get used to our school…
Wanna fun project for a Dad and son to do together? Building a miniature rocket is just that kind of project. Building the rocket took only a 1/2 an hour on each of two days. (It took two days because of cement drying time.) This little rocket went something like 750 ft into the air! …