
An idea bubble with bible verses written in it and the word "GRACE" on top.

Growing Hearts

(This post contains affiliate links.) Growing Hearts and Minds James 3:13-17 Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny…

Birthday Boy and Baby Jesus

My little guy will be three on December 23rd.  Time flies! Because of the busyness of Christmas and my nephew’s birthday soon after Christmas, we always celebrate Eli’s birthday just a tad early.  Three year olds have FUN partying! Our church celebrates Jesus’ birth a tad early, too.  Last night was the annual Christmas pageant. …

Redneck Paintball and Shaving

Have you ever heard of redneck paintball?  I hadn’t either!  Our preacher’s wife was in charge of the family event at church this month and her brilliant idea was redneck paintball.  The kids had a BLAST!  And, as you can see from the pictures above, my husband did, too! The weapons are mustard or ketchup…

Moments with Eli

Before bed, Eli asks for a tractor story every night.  From the picture above, I guess you can tell where his passions lie right now.  The other night, he told me a tractor story – his first ever story by the way… “Mommy, I tell you tacter tory tonight!  Once pon time, Ewi ride tacter…

Daddy’s Retirement

Below are some pictures from my Dad’s retirement parties.  He worked at a hospital for 30 years – in the laboratory for about half those years and in the technology department for the other half.  It was quite obvious that those he worked with loved him very much and I was so glad they asked…

Summer Time!

Whew!  I’m ready to get back to school just so I have an excuse to stop the insanity!  LOL!  What’s been keeping us busy lately? I know I’ve been MIA a little lately.  Between all these fun activities, the garden, planning for school and writing the next set of NaturExplorer units, I haven’t had much…

Mother’s Day

Being a mom is truly one of the most precious gifts the Lord blesses us with!  I have wonderful children and I thank God so much for them – their sweet little hearts, their funny spirits, their creativity – the list goes on and on!  Here are just a few memories from Mother’s Day this…

Our Weekend

What a lovely end to September!  Beautiful weather, great fun and good company. After a trip to the local Pumpkin Festival on Saturday, Steve and the kids headed to the back of our farm for a little fishing in the creek.  Mahayla made the catch of the day with this nice-looking bass.  It made a…