
Children look into a clear glass bowl of water with a regular orange and a peeled orange in it. Used for an object lesson about the Armor of God.

Armor of God Object Lesson

On Fridays, I attempt to plan a simple object lesson to go along with Bible study.  Since we have been studying knights of the Middle Ages lately, I thought a lesson on the Armor of God made a nice tie-in. The lesson is quick, but powerful. Armor of God Object Lesson Materials: two oranges a…

Boys and Dinosaurs

On Sunday nights at church, I teach a Kidz Group class for children in 1-5th grades.  Right now, I have only little boys in the class.  What better way to catch their attention than to talk about dinosaurs!  Dinosaurs and church??  Of course!  Dinosaurs are a great topic for teaching the authority of the Bible…

On My Mind

I listened to Casting Crown’s While You Were Sleeping many times this Christmas season.  Each time, I was moved.  Each time, I found myself silently (or not so silently sometimes) saying, “Amen.” Listen for yourself. I was particularly moved by “As we’re sung to sleep by philosophies that save the trees and kill the children…”…

Living in the Light

These are the notes from a devotion I had the pleasure of giving at co-op this week. Living as Children of the Light Leads Children to the Light Read Ephesians 4: 17-32, 5:1-33 This passage gives us a very clear picture of living in the light vs. living in darkness. Light being things like:TruthfulnessPeaceHonestyWholesome talk…