Setting Aside Time for the Good Stuff
I’m the first to admit that “fitting it all in” is hard. And in the past, to my shame, the first things to go when “school” seemed to be pressing were the richest learning experiences of all – artist study/art opportunities, composer study, and even nature study.
I don’t know why it seems like those studies are the easiest to drop – especially when they tend to bring the most joy into our learning time. And all things considered, it’s so easy to integrate other academic areas into art, music and nature, that I feel a bit like a dunce for neglecting them over the years.

Not so this year! To be sure these subjects are enjoyed every single week, we’re scheduling a whole morning dedicated specifically to art and nature. It’s entirely possible that writing, math, other sciences, history and such might find their way into our lessons, but the main focus will be nature study with an artist/composer tea to follow.
Beginning our morning with a Bible lesson focused on praise to our Creator, we’ll go outdoors directly after for nature study. After a bit of fresh air, observation, nature journaling and/or a nature related activity, we’ll come in to a cozy tea time.
The day before, one of my children’s assigned activities will be to try a new recipe for us to enjoy at tea time – muffins, scones, cookies, biscuits, granola, snack mix, etc. We’ll sit in some cozy spot enjoying our snack while reading about either an artist or composer. Afterwards, we’ll head to the art table for a project, while classical music plays in the background.
I can’t even tell you how excited I am about this morning set aside for the “good stuff”. I’ll be sure to post about how they go and what we learn!
As another addition to our more purposeful artist and composer study, Candace gave me the idea for a bulletin board in the schoolroom. Here’s the finished board with our first artist (Manet) and composer (Pachelbel) ready and waiting. At the bottom of the board I have placed a memory verse. As the artist and composers change, so will the memory verse.
I hope you have (or are having already) a wonderful school year!