
A Birthday Party!

Eli won’t officially be two until December 23rd.  Since everyone was going to be in town for the big kid’s Christmas Program Sunday, we decided to celebrate his birthday a little early. Eli with his Daddy and Great-Grandpa. He didn’t quite understand what presents were all about at first, but let’s just say I think…

Math and Science – Bridges

Our “math break” continues to bring lively and rich lessons!  One of the projects from Hardhatting in a Geo-World concerned bridge construction.  We had to make six different bridges and test their strength. After completing the activity and filling in the chart provided, I had the kiddos show their findings with homemade graphs. The book…

Hardhatting in a Geo-World

We are having SO much fun with this book!  A little break from the regular math schedule has turned out to include such exciting math and science that my kids are actually asking to do more.  🙂 Here are some photos from one of this week’s investigations…. Cylinder structures – Using various sized cardboard tubes…

Stuffed Felt Ornaments

  These turned out so cute, and they were fairly easy for a beginning to intermediate sewing project. Draw the shape onto a piece of felt, making it about 1/4″ bigger than you’d like the finished product to be. Double the felt and cut out the front and back pieces at the same time. Decide…

American Revolution Unit

The American Revolution is such an exciting and inspiring time in our country’s amazing history!  As always, we learned so much through our literature-based, project-based unit study. My children were in 5th and 2nd grades during this four+ week study. American Revolution Resources   Internet Scavenger Hunt Living Literature We read and listened to many,…

Degas and Tchaikovsky

For the last few weeks, we’ve been studying Degas and Tchaikovsky during our artist and composer time.  For the study of Degas, we spent some time each Tuesday either reading a book about him, observing his artwork or doing an art project related to him.  In studying Tchaikovsky, we took some time each week to listen to…

Living Math – Graphs Galore

October/November = lots of falling leaves and lots of candy.  What better to do with both of those things?  Math, of course! Whether you have extra M&M’s, Skittles, Smarties, Runts, or just a big bunch of assorted candy bars, take a few minutes to turn those sweets into more than cavities.  Even little bitty ones…

Bittersweet Days

My last baby has (finally) stopped nursing.  We’ve both cried some, but he is a big boy who understands that it’s time to move on. On the positive side, though, I can have dairy and citrus products again!  (He’s allergic to both and I have truly sacrificed for him for nearly two years without cheese…

Embriodery Project

We did many projects to go along with our Colonial Life unit study, but this one tops the list.  Not only were these embroidered hand prints a wonderful handicraft activity, they turned out beautifully, too.  So much so, that they are gracing my mantle right now and I plan to hang them on the wall…