Next Year’s Plans
A new baby has slowed me down in the planning department! I’ve been putting this post together for what seems like weeks, but I believe it’s finally ready. I’ll copy this to put into my planning binder as a record of our curriculum and goals for the 2007-2008 school year.
Subjects we do together:
Read through the New Testament in The Child’s Story Bible by Catherine Vos and complete our Bible timeline using the The Big Picture Bible Timeline Book
The Seven C’s of History (this is our summer study)
Discovering Jesus in Genesis by Susan Hunt
Missionaries Unit using Missionary Stories with the Millers as a “spine”
Bible Bowl
Ancient History Unit – Spine book: History Pockets: Ancient Civilizations, Grades 1-3
Middle Ages Unit – Spine book: Knights & Castles: 50 Hands-On Activities to Experience the Middle Ages
Kentucky History Unit – Spine book: Spectacular State Report Projects-For Any State
Astronomy Unit – Spine books: Exploring Creation With Astronomy by Jeannie Fulbright and the Astronomy Lapbook from Knowledge Box Central
Earth Science Unit – Spine books: Primarily Earth, NaturExplorers Hard as a Rock, and Considering God’s Creation
Art, Music, Foreign Language
Various art studies, art lessons and art projects throughout the year, no specific resources
Various music composer studies, music classes and hymn memorization throughout the year, no specific resources
5th Grade Math
Bi-weekly problem solving and logic opportunities using a variety of resources. Below are a few sample books:
Mind Benders Grades 3-6+ Book A3: Deductive Thinking Skills
5th Grade Language Arts
Daily silent reading
Daily read alouds with Mom
The following subjects will often be integrated into the current learning unit. Other times, activities will be chosen from various places including…
Spelling: Spelling Works!
Grammar: Great Grammar Lessons That Work
Writing: All sorts of sources including:
- Igniting Your Writing
Typing: Nimble Fingers
2nd Grade Math
2nd Grade Language Arts
Reading: Still plugging along in Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons, and adding easy readers, Explode the Code, and fun games
Grammar: First Language Lessons
Spelling: Spelling Workout
Typing: Nimble Fingers
Co-op classes 1x/week
Piano Lessons
Horse Lessons
Just a reminder for some of you who will say, “She’s using ALL that THIS year?!!” I don’t use everything all the time. Nor do I use all of anything. I use only what I feel like my kiddos need at the time. I pull the best from several resources because no one resource ever seems to fit us perfectly! It doesn’t bother me to have undone pages in a workbook or undone lessons in lesson guide. I’m the teacher at my house and I get to choose what we do and don’t do. The list above is actually far from complete. I’m always on the lookout for new and exciting things to add to the mix. I guess I’m the ultimate eclectic, unit study, lapbooking, notebooking, workbooking, literature loving homeschooler! It all has it’s place you know!