Nest of Seasons Past

Winter is a great time for finding nature treasures that are hidden other seasons of the year. Bird’s nests are one example. Can you see how some sweet little bird found spare bailing twine to add to his cozy home?

Spend some crafty time this winter creating nesting material to attract more birds to your yard this coming spring! Loosely fill a suet container or recycled mesh bag with various scraps of any or all of the following:
- yarn
- straw
- shredded paper
- cotton balls stretched out a bit
- thin fabric scraps
- twigs
As birds begin nesting this spring, hang your container on a tree branch. Be sure to take some opportunities to observe the busy birds who visit your nesting material. If you’re lucky, next winter you’ll find a bird’s nest that was built using some of your materials!
I’ve pinned a couple of fun nesting material posts over at Pinterest. Go see!
Enjoy an entire study of birds this winter (and beyond) using NaturExplorers Beautiful Birds!
Sweet pictures. I can’t see the little bird :(. I don’t have tree too here. I can’t take such picture :(. Did you climb the tree to get the shot? Wow… You did a good job. Thanks for sharing.
This is great! My oldest daughter is so fascinated by birds. She built a bird feeder w/ her Grandad’s help & she always wants to know what types of birds are coming & going in our yard. This idea is perfect for her. Thank you for sharing!
I Love this idea. we will definitely have to give this a try this spring, thank you for the info and the chance to win.