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Myriapod Nature Study for Homeschoolers

We’re venturing into a slightly spine-tingling topic on the podcast this week. Are you ready for myriapod nature study? The creepy appearance of centipedes and millipedes makes this topic perfect for a mid-October science lesson!

As your family listens to the podcast episode, you’ll be encouraged to picture a serene autumn forest. Amidst the rustling leaves and chirping birds, watch out for a mysterious creature! What is it, and should we be afraid? Join Mrs. Cindy to take on the mystery of wild, leggy creatures that play an essential role in nature.

black and yellow millipede myriapod crawls across a stone with small green growth

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Myriapod Nature Study

These intriguing invertebrates, myriapods, include the well-known millipedes. Despite the name, they don’t actually have a thousand legs, but they do have a lot. Learn that number as well as how fast they move, as you discover some of their intriguing defense mechanisms, too. As nature’s recyclers, millipedes play an important role in nature. They break down dead plant material, showcasing their vital role as decomposers.

Their cousins, centipedes, are just as vibrant in the myriapod community. Found in moist habitats amongst leaf clutter and in the soil, these wormlike critters can be very surprising to find. Don’t be fooled, though, they aren’t worms. They aren’t insects either. Myriapods are their very own group of segmented, multi-legged animals.

a coiled millipede on the sidewalk

Free Nature Observation Printable Packet for All Seasons

No matter what time of year youโ€™re listening to this episode of the No Sweat Nature Study Podcast, hereโ€™s a printable pack of nature observation activities for every season of the year!

Myriapod Nature Study Video Class

In the upcoming No Sweat Nature Study LIVE video class about myriapods, discover more about millipedes and their agile relatives, centipedes. Learn which animal would win in a footrace, and find out more about the physical and chemical defense mechanisms that keep them safe against predators. Of course, you’ll determine just how careful you need to be the next time you happen upon a myriapod in your own backyard.

The nature journaling assignment includes practice with outline drawings, as well as labeling the important anatomy of centipedes and millipedes.

Black and yellow centipede crawling on a stick with a yellow and gray background. Advertising a class about myriapods.

Nature Study Curriculum

Ready to go deeper with nature study in your homeschool? Let Ms. Cindy guide your students on a nature exploration complete with live lessons, nature journaling activities, and a huge video library of nature study classes. Check out No Sweat Nature Study LIVE Membership!

Even more amazing than beautiful butterflies fluttering about is the incredible transformation that takes place to turn crawling caterpillars into completely new flying creatures. Butterflies Flutter By will certainly inspire you to find evidence of all stages of the butterfly life cycle!

Donโ€™t be afraid! Spiders arenโ€™t really that scary once you get to know them. In fact, after visiting with them on nature walks, youโ€™re likely to gain an exciting interest in their behavior and beauty. Come on along and explore Spectacular Spiders!

Links and Resources

Handbook of Nature StudyCanson 100510926 XL Mix Media Paper Pad, 98 Pound, 7 x 10 Inch, 60 SheetsTiconderoga Wood-Cased Pencils, Unsharpened, 2 HB Soft, Yellow, 24 Count


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Would you like to record a voicemail to answer this season’s nature study question?

At the end of each No Sweat Nature Study Podcast episode, Mrs. Cindy includes messages from a few of her friends. You have the opportunity to record a message that she might use on an upcoming episode!

All children must have their parent’s permission before leaving a recording. Parents are welcome to record an answer, too!

Each season, there will be a different question to answer. You can see this seasonโ€™s question below. Think about your answer first and then follow these simple directions:

  1. Click the button that says โ€œStart recordingโ€.
  2. Tell me your first name. (If you want to tell your age and/or where you live, feel free to do that, too.)
  3. You will have 60 seconds to answer the question but try to be concise.
  4. Push the play button to listen to your recording before sending it to be sure it is recorded properly. If not, simply record it again.

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