My December Basket
After perusing Christmas websites, going through my Christmas file folder and searching my computer files for Christmas ideas, I’ve put aside some things that I hope to use this December.
You may be surprised to find this out about me, but when I plan a unit, I very rarely make detailed plans. Yes, I know, this coming from an organizing junkie! 🙂 I usually go through all my resources and jot down things I think would be good activities. Sometimes I’ll organize the activities, sometimes not. For instance – for the astronomy unit we’re working on, I did organize the topics (in the same order they were covered in Exploring Creation Through Astronomy.) But, the extra activities I considered adding to each topic were simply written down under the topic on a piece of paper. When we got to the topic, I would look over my list of activity ideas and we would do the ones that suited our fancy that day.
So, for December, I’ve put together my Christmas basket. I’ve included the books, worksheets, craft ideas, and such that I hope to use at some point during the month. I’ve decided to do a lapbook on the Symbols of Christmas as my main curriculum each day, so all the copies I need are already in the basket, along with a “master list” of the topics the unit covers. Beside each topic, I’ve jotted down the other worksheets, crafts, projects or books that might go along. Each day, I’ll decide which Christmas symbol we’re going to cover and which of the potential activities or projects we’ll also do.
(Learn more about my favorite Christmas books on this post and this post.)
I may or may not get to all the things that are waiting in the basket. In fact, I can honestly say we probably won’t get through everything! But, by the time Christmas break rolls around, we’ll have great memories of Christmas fun with Jesus having been in the center of all the festivities!
One other thing I recently found…..A free inductive Advent Bible study. I spent some time today copying the pages and putting them together in a little notebook. We’ll start the study this coming Monday in order to be finished in plenty of time before Christmas.