Miller Stories
My children pulled all the Miller’s books out again the other day. I can’t tell you how much we’ve enjoyed these books!
From the time they were preschoolers and we started reading Storytime With the Millers, my children have intently listened to and learned from the stories. I think they’re so good, in fact, that they were read during devotion time usually.
Even though the books come from a very conservative Amish-Mennonite perspective, I found them to be very useful in teaching topics like trusting God, manners, friendship, obedience, respect, forgiveness, self-sacrifice and much, much more! Each story centers around a Bible verse and that verse is used at some point within the story. Many of the stories are full of some excitement, too. That helps to keep my son’s attention!
Choosing a favorite is hard, but I would probably choose Missionary Stories with the Millers as my personal favorite. This book is just full of the true adventure stories of actual missionaries. Some I had heard of, some I hadn’t. I have read other reviews that said the stories in this book were a little too much for their younger children, but mine had no problems it. Be warned, though, that the real stories of missionaries aren’t always smily, joyful stories. But in each, God’s faithfulness and care shine through!!