June’s Creation Club
Yep, we’re still as busy as beavers around here! I thought I’d stop in for a few minutes to show you some of the fun from our Creation Club this month…..

We met at the local cemetery. Cemeteries are wonderful for nature study! Typically, they have a huge variety of trees, shrubs, fungi, weathering and even critters to be found. With tweezers and baggies in hand, the kids’ first job was to go on a Tweezer Trek. Basically, they were asked to collect anything and everything nature related that they could pick up with tweezers. We had a show-n-tell time and studied a few things under the magnifying glasses.
The next activity was to dissect flowers. Thanks to a couple local nurseries, we had an abundance of flowers to use. Apologia’s Exploring Creation With Botanyhas a wonderful flower dissection tutorial that we went through. Before digging in, though, we read The Reason for a Flower (Ruth Heller’s World of Nature)
and drew/labeled a flower diagram. As you can see, our little botanists were very serious about their dissection and recording what they had found.
Here are a few great sites to go along with flower dissection…
How about enjoying your own flower study with these and MANY more ideas? Try Wonderful Wildflowers!
I’m so glad it did. We enjoyed your Advent and Easter units!!
Thanks, Jenny. So glad you enjoyed both studies!!
Sounds like a neat idea!
Looks like you found a lot of interesting things!