Nature Study

Nature study has been one of the most rewarding subjects in our homeschool through the years. It reaches deeply into every single realm of science. It gets us outdoors for fresh air, sunshine and exercise. It creatively includes other subjects like language arts, math, geography, and even history. But most importantly, God has revealed so much about Himself to us through the study of nature.

Nature study works easily with all homeschooling styles. It makes a huge difference with children who need to be active. It can meet all kinds of learning styles, and offers those with learning disabilities a fresh perspective on learning to give them success. Best of all, nature study works really, really well when teaching multiple ages. I know you’ll enjoy some amazing learning using the lessons you’ll find below. Have fun!

Fungi of Summer/Late Summer

Many people think fungi are only around during the wet and warm spring months.  How are these for August and September fungi finds?? I took these pictures near the edge of a creek on rotting logs and on a walk in the woods.  They were everywhere!  Finding fungi is one of my new nature study…

Cumberland Falls

We took a mini-trip to Cumberland Falls in Southern KY not too long ago.  It was such a beautiful afternoon!  The waterfall is majestic, the rock samples are outstanding, the hikes are not too difficult, and the scenery is gorgeous! You’re able to walk right up to the water a short distance before the waterfall….

Wildflower Studies

This month’s nature study is focusing on wildflowers.  Our farm is just abundant with wildflowers this time of year!  During last week’s study, we placed a blanket among a field full of wildflowers to read books and praise the Lord for His magnificent beauty.   Afterward, I sent the kids off on a scavenger hunt. …

Great Spring Nature Finds

Here are some more very cool discoveries from a recent nature walk. Can you see inside the hole?  The picture below this one shows the mushrooms that were growing in the hole – and they were huge even if the picture doesn’t show that very well. We wondered who enjoys this cozy little burrow. Ants…

May’s Creation Club

This month’s Creation Club focus was on creeks and creek banks.  Sadly, though, the creek bank was grown up more than I had imagined and we didn’t get to do nearly as much exploring as planned.  For me, it didn’t matter because I can enjoy any nature walk.  For the children expecting to explore a…

Spittle Bugs

If you take a walk anywhere on our farm these days, you see plants covered in what looks like spit.  It’s especially obvious on the stinging nettle and alfalfa plants. Caleb decided to investigate inside the spit on our recent nature walk and this is what he found. Crawling on another of the same plant…

Newport Aquarium

Did you know the Newport Aquarium offers two free children’s admissions per adult in January and February each year?  I didn’t until recently.  We’ve been wanting to go forever, but haven’t wanted to fork over the steep prices.   Our first trip today was made even sweeter with the $42.oo savings! The Aquarium sits right beside…

What’s Under a Rock?

Around our house  – a slug!  Can you see him near the middle on the left?  He’s pretty well camouflaged. We weren’t even doing nature study.  We were learning about measuring the volume of an irregular shape in water when I sent the kids outside to find a few rocks for measuring.  This little critter…

My Kind of Winter Walk

It got into the upper 50’s last week.  Just a few days before we had been hovering around 0, so the upper 50’s was truly a heat wave!  We took advantage of the warmth and headed out for a wonderful wintery walk.  I say wintery because there were still icy signs all over the place. …