Middle School

Blog image about nature notebooking pages with a tree, grass, and white wildflowers in the background.

You’ll Never Look at a Nature Notebooking Pages the Same Way Again

Printable nature notebooking pages are time savers for sure. We can set off on a nature walk knowing there’s at least something to do other than wandering aimlessly. We can slap those babies into a three-ring binder and have proof that the afternoon spent in the sunshine actually did count for school. But…are your nature notebooking pages…

Living literature rocks. A LOT of learning happens between the pages of a good book!

Living Literature Booklists

If you asked me to name a few things that have made THE most impact in our homeschool over the years, one of the answers I would give without hesitation is living literature. Many precious hours have been spent together around books. Those moments have built strong bonds between us, created warm memories, and sparked…