History & Geography

The Middle of the Middle Ages Unit

We’re having so much fun studying Medieval history!  After reading about various aspects of life, we’ve been doing a project every day or two to go along with that aspect.  The picture above shows the kid’s projects after learning about knights and armor. Sorry, but after that picture the camera pooped out again.  The kiddos have also made…

KY Project Presentations

Last week we finished up a short, but successful unit on our state.  I think all involved liked the change of pace this time around.  Mahayla practically completed her readings, worksheets and projects on her own, while Caleb and I tackled his work at our own pace.  Here are just a few highlights. Kentucky Notebooks Using several…

Middle Ages Unit Plans

Our Middle Ages unit is going to be so much fun!  This is one of my favorite time periods to study, and I have to admit that it’s going to be hard to tame the fun down to a manageable unit. Here are the books I’m using as I plan our activities. Two helpful websites: A…

Kentucky unity study blog image with a Kentucky state map on it

Plans For A Kentucky Unit

I’m straying from the typical sort of unit study we do around here. This Kentucky unit will be mostly worksheet-based, with final projects being research-based.  Why?  Well first, I want the unit to be fairly quick.  Second, Mahayla has covered this topic before at co-op, so it just made more sense to provide them each…

A Trip to Michigan

Why is it that you usually feel dirtier after showering at a hotel than you did before you showered?  Why is it that once the baby finally falls asleep in his carseat, somebody else in the car decides they have to use the bathroom and can’t possibly hold it – thus waking up the baby…

Ancient Greece

Studying Ancient Greece has been so much fun!  We could’ve spent many more days lingering in the Greek hillsides, but it’s time to move on to Ancient Rome.  Here are some highlights from our week. On top of the regular reading about Ancient Greece, map work, timelines and such, we did lots of hands-on activities,…

Our Week in Ancient Egypt

We’re on a tour of ancient history right now and loving it!  So far we’ve been through Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt.  I thought I’d share a few highlights of this week in Egypt since we had so much fun. The best part of the week was mummifying a Ken doll.  Thanks Jamin for the…

Battle at Blue Licks

We took an impromptu history trip Saturday to Blue Licks State Park where they were having a reenactment of the Revolutionary War battle that took place there in 1782.  Okay, so we missed the actual reenactment by seconds, much to my son’s dismay, but had a great time anyway. During the actual battle, the English,…