My Three Year Old
Eli attended the Mother-Daughter Banquet with us this year. He wanted to look special, so he added a very handsome tie to his outfit. With a strawberry spongecake smile he posed for this most precious of pictures.
Eli attended the Mother-Daughter Banquet with us this year. He wanted to look special, so he added a very handsome tie to his outfit. With a strawberry spongecake smile he posed for this most precious of pictures.
Goats! The kiddos are going to try their hand at showing goats at the fair this summer. They’re just as cute as can be, but I hear horror stories about goats carrying lice. (Gasp!) I’m amazed at how much fun my children and husband have “playing” with animals and hanging out at the barn. Me,…
You may remember me telling you about our bottle fed calf that was truly a giant baby when he was born. Well, not only is he still a literal big baby, he’s a figurative big baby as well! I’ve never seen a calf take to my children like this one. He follows them around the…
For well over a year, Caleb scrimped and saved every bit of money he could in his little money box. He made calling cards for family members telling them he was available for any kind of work to earn cash. He shredded papers for one grandma, washed cars and fish tanks for the other grandma,…
As spring kicks into gear, so does our schedule. And so does our time spent outdoors, which is why I’ve disappeared here a bit lately. We’re also moving into our final month of school (giddy jumping up and down) and trying to tie up loose ends. I have a lot of posts in the works,…
My sweet daughter is a teenager. That’s so hard to believe! She’s one of the most loving, helpful, kind, and hardworking young ladies you’ll ever meet. I love watching her grow each and every day in Christ’s beauty and wisdom. Her daily life is a powerful witness for Him and I can’t wait to see…
My little guy will be three on December 23rd. Time flies! Because of the busyness of Christmas and my nephew’s birthday soon after Christmas, we always celebrate Eli’s birthday just a tad early. Three year olds have FUN partying! Our church celebrates Jesus’ birth a tad early, too. Last night was the annual Christmas pageant. …
Have you ever heard of redneck paintball? I hadn’t either! Our preacher’s wife was in charge of the family event at church this month and her brilliant idea was redneck paintball. The kids had a BLAST! And, as you can see from the pictures above, my husband did, too! The weapons are mustard or ketchup…
Eli and I were home alone yesterday afternoon. He went into the powder room to wash his hands so he could help me fix supper. In the meantime, I buried my hands elbow deep in hamburger. The water kept running and running and running. I kept hollering, “Hurry up, Eli, mommy needs your help.” The…
Autumn afternoons are full of free time fun (and learning) for my children. Below are just a few pictures from recent days. Mahayla spends countless hours caring for her horses and pony. She’s recently learned how to braid horse hair in various styles. Another of Mahayla’s afternoon activities is photography. Eli happens to be her…
Before bed, Eli asks for a tractor story every night. From the picture above, I guess you can tell where his passions lie right now. The other night, he told me a tractor story – his first ever story by the way… “Mommy, I tell you tacter tory tonight! Once pon time, Ewi ride tacter…
Mahayla played softball again this year after a three year break. We were a bit worried about how she might fair in the 12-15 year old fastpitch league after such a hiatus. To our surprise, and I think hers, she played VERY well! Even earning the most improved player ball one night after catching two…