Creative Homeschooling

One of the main goals I set early on in our homeschool was to give my children a love of learning.  Creative homeschooling is the mode I’ve used to successfully do that.  Don’t think that you can never put your child in front of a textbook or computer screen to homeschool creatively!  Instead, think of it as offering your children curriculum and styles to meet their needs.  Sometimes that will be a textbook or computer class.  Other times, it may be a unit study, living literature, field trips, games, project-based learning, co-op classes, or interest-based studies.  These articles show you how.  Be inspired!

a moose runs through water at the edge of a late with trees and mountains in the background

Moose Nature Study for Kids

Do you think of moose nature study when you think of Christmas? While moose might not be the most common Christmas animals, they are stunning cold-weather animals with the best antlers. And that’s why moose are the topic of this week’s No Sweat Nature Study podcast. This post contains affiliate links. Moose Nature Study Be…