Bible & Character

colorful graphics of a globe, world map, compass, and geography book

World Geography Projects for Homeschoolers

World geography projects are a fantastic way to make learning meaningful, hands-on, and engaging for homeschool students. Instead of simply memorizing maps and facts, children deeply understand different countries’ cultures, histories, and geography, making personal connections along the way. When students research, write, and present their findings, they develop critical thinking, communication, and creativity—all while…

Christmas package and Silver Packages book blog post advertisement

A Silver Packages Book Activity for Christmas Homeschooling

Enjoy the magic of Christmas with this precious literature-based lesson, which includes a special service project for your family to do together. You’ll love the Silver Packages book activity so much that it might even become a Christmas tradition. Traditions help families build relationships and give children peace and security. Because they are so meaningful,…

Images of picture book covers for a blog post about fairy tales boys love

Fairy Tales Boys Love

Look at this list of fairy tales boys love! And why wouldn’t they? These stories are filled with adventure and mystery! Have you noticed that many fairy tales have wonderfully strong female characters? There’s not a thing in the world wrong with that! However, when I set out to write Character Building Chapter Books for Boys,…