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Catching Up

Summer wears me out.  It’s all good, but whew am I ever ready to start school again by the time August rolls around!  I have tons to post about, so I thought I’d do a giant post and try to fit in as much as possible.  Hang on to your seats!

A nearby church hosted Big Daddy Weave for a free outdoor concert.  It was fabulous!  We were able to set up our lawn chairs on the front row, no farther than about 20-30 feet from the stage.  Once the concert started, they allowed people to stand up by the stage.  Our children stood at the foot of the stage the entire concert and loved every minute of it.  Great music, by the way!

We’ve been slacking off just a bit with nature walks since it’s been 90+ degrees with nearly 100% humidity most days.  I’ll be writing about this blackberry walk soon over at Shining Dawn Books.

Of course, horse riding never stops no matter the temperature (for my daughter and her grandpa anyway!)

At our church’s 4th of July party, we enjoyed a parent vs. youth baseball game.  Our church is moving closer towards family events rather than segregating the kids all the time.  (A decision I highly support!)  It’s so obvious how much children really do crave that family time when every age level is focused on a task together – even if it was just a baseball game this time around.

Swimming with friends is an obvious favorite!

Even though our garden was hit with both a vine borer (killing almost all our vine plants) AND powdery mildew (making the rest of the garden produce very poorly), I’ve still been busy canning, freezing and cooking yummy dishes.

Oh, and I’ve been serving on the Grand Jury for the past few months, too.  It’s been fascinating!

I hope you’re having a great summer!

One Comment

  1. The grand jury! That must be so interesting. Wow, you are so busy. I love that game idea. Thanks for sharing it.

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