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Apologia Physical Science 8th/5th Grade

The verdict is in…we are LOVING Apologia’s Physical Science!!  I’m *not* normally a textbook sort of gal, but this series (as well as Ancient Civilizations and the Bible) is converting me! 

Why do I like it so much?

  • The info is in depth, but the lessons really go rather quickly.
  • All the lessons bring our wonderful Creator to the forefront. 
  • Most lessons include a simple, but powerful experiment.
  • I like the questions interwoven throughout the chapters and I love the end of chapter tests!
  • My kids love it!!

We’re pulling Caleb (5th) along with us making only minor adjustments (since the book is written for upper middle/early high school level.)  I’ll try to post my plan for him soon so you can see how easy it is to make small changes and keep everyone on the same subject.


  1. Did you do the General Science book for 7th grade? If so do you think it was alot harder than the other Exploring Creation books from Jeannie Fulbright. This year we are in 6th grade and doing the new Human Anatomy book. I was going to wait to do the General Science book in 8th grade and Physical Science in 9th grade. Wasn’t sure if she was academically ready for the General Science book for next year. Just looking for your thoughts.

  2. No, I didn’t use the General Science book last year. I have used a couple of Jennie Fulbright’s books (and found them to be awesome), and my opinion is that they transition quite well into the upper level Apologia books. I own the General Science book and don’t think it’s too hard at all for a 7th grader. In fact, my 8th grader is not having any problems at all with the content of the Physical Science book – especially considering the experiments do a wonderful job of making each lesson understandable. So, to make a long answer to your question simpler, I wouldn’t hesitate to use General Science with a 7th grader. :o)

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