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Where I’ve Been

As spring kicks into gear, so does our schedule.  And so does our time spent outdoors, which is why I’ve disappeared here a bit lately.  We’re also moving into our final month of school (giddy jumping up and down) and trying to tie up loose ends.  I have a lot of posts in the works, but in the mean time here are a few of the things that have been keeping us busy.

Nature walks!
Mahayla has been bottle feeding this calf since day 1 when his momma had to be put down. He was named Giant because he was as big as a three-week-old calf the day he was born. Giant follows her everywhere!
Speaking of calves, we find them all over the farm like little Easter eggs hidden in the grass.
Caleb is learning learning the ins and out of a tractor.
Eli picked his first wildflowers of the season for me!
He’s also been learning how to correctly pick flowers for a vase.
Mahayla and her Papaw have been riding whenever they have a chance.
The big kids and I took a trip to observe misdemeanor and criminal court last week. It was fascinating! We had permission from the judge and the county attorney, so they were expecting us. During a brief recess, the judge took the children on a behind the scenes tour of her office and where she sits behind the bench. I took a small notepad of paper which proved to be invaluable so we could write notes to one another about what was happening during the proceedings (since we couldn’t talk.) This was a VERY good field trip!!
Caleb has had a wonderful time playing Upward basketball this year. His team didn’t win many games, but they had fun and played with good attitudes. If you’ve never been part of an Upward sport, I highly recommend giving it a try. You can beat the positive Christian atmosphere!

There you have it!  I’m SO thankful spring is here!!  It was a l-o-n-g winter and our entire family has been rejuvenated – thank you, Lord!


  1. WOW! You all have been having TONS of fun!! We’re so excited about spring here too!

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