Well, At Least He’s Clean!

Eli and I were home alone yesterday afternoon. He went into the powder room to wash his hands so he could help me fix supper. In the meantime, I buried my hands elbow deep in hamburger. The water kept running and running and running. I kept hollering, “Hurry up, Eli, mommy needs your help.” The only answer was, “I’m coming!” Once I finally had my hands clean, I stepped into the powder room to see this. Little stinker. All he said was, “I needed a bubble bath!”
That is great! Thanks for making me laugh today.
I am cracking up! He would get along GREAT with my little C! LOL! These are the moments that you have to revel in… and save in your memory so you can share with them when they grow up. 🙂
Oh, you’ve got it easy! My two little ones (ages 2 and 1) took an entire bottle of Baby Wash and poured it on each others heads and all over my carpet this week…of course that was nothing compared to the marker incident OR the baby powder incident of last week. (Other things poured all over each other and the floor include chocolate milk powder, shampoo, diaper rash lotion, toothpaste, and purple acrylic paint.) We will laugh about this one day, right??
Oh my, Shanna! I’m very sorry to tell you this, but I’m laughing now. And praying for ya!
Gosh guys! I love hearing these stories…lol! It is sooooo nice to know I am not alone!
Well, to be honest…I think its pretty funny now too. You should’ve seen me trying to discipline my two year old when he was covered from head to toe in baby powder. I had to keep turning my head so he wouldn’t see me laugh. :o)