The Letter C
Preschool Lessons for the Letter C
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I apologize for the fuzzy pictures. Something went wonky with the camera this week.

A visit to the “C”reation Museum was a must-do for the letter C!

This cloud made from cotton balls was easy and fun – and became our alphabet wall poster.
Measurement is best learned by preschoolers with concrete objects. We used crackers to measure things all over the house.
Foam letters were sorted, then glued into a graph.
I took Eli to his first play, If You Give A Mouse A Cookie.
This happy face shows you he loved the play!
Several of these ideas came from Confessions of a Homeschooler. Additionally, we covered a large C with counting chips, made C’s with Twizzlers and put together a caterpillar from pom-poms.
Books About the Letter C
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs