
Flow chart about owls with a black and blue owl on the top

Owl Moon Activities

This post contains affiliate links.  Read my entire disclosure policy here. Owl Moon with FIAR I’m so excited to be back in the swing of Five in a Row with my littlest man! My oldest two made so many good memories during learning time using this curriculum.  I likely won’t post about all our studies,…

Charlotte Mason Carnival

Welcome to the Charlotte Mason Carnival!  An Atmosphere of Learning is our theme – and don’t you just LOVE the atmosphere a Charlotte Mason education provides??  Me, too! I wouldn’t trade for the world our times of snuggling up with living books, basking in the sunshine of nature study, or enjoyment of handicrafts and artist…

Green leaves with red berries covered in snow

Nature Study in the Winter

Brrrr – it’s cold outside! Winter is in full swing. This might seem like a silly time to suggest taking a nature walk, but creation doesn’t stop singing just because the temperatures are cold! In fact, winter is an awesome time for viewing things that we might miss other times of the year. Nature Study…

Nest of Seasons Past

Winter is a great time for finding nature treasures that are hidden other seasons of the year.  Bird’s nests are one example.  Can you see how some sweet little bird found spare bailing twine to add to his cozy home? Spend some crafty time this winter creating nesting material to attract more birds to your…

Cold Measurement

I love to incorporate more than one subject at a time when possible. It not only saves time, but makes connections that are so important for children to understand. Last week, we were blessed with a dry snow that led to lots of snow drifts. I sent the kids on their merry way with a…