
Keeping Preschoolers Busy

Eli is almost three!  We’ve had such a good time keeping him busy this semester.  Well, good time might not always describe what it was like keeping him busy!  Here are just a few pictures of the little man who can frequently be heard saying, “I wanna do pwekool!” Making “painted” cookies with Mahayla. We…

Well, At Least He’s Clean!

Eli and I were home alone yesterday afternoon.  He went into the powder room to wash his hands so he could help me fix supper.  In the meantime, I buried my hands elbow deep in hamburger.  The water kept running and running and running.  I kept hollering, “Hurry up, Eli, mommy needs your help.”  The…

Toddler sit in dirt and writes in a nature journal

24 Must Read Toddler Books

Toddler Books Enjoyed by Eli The toddler years go by so quickly!  I love toddlers with their inquisitive minds that soak up information like sponges.  My biggest piece of advice for taking advantage of all that learning energy – read, read, read!  Living literature, of course – yes, it even matters in the earliest of…

Toddler in a yellow jacket holds up a magnifying glass to his face.

Taming the Toddler

(This post contains affiliate links.) Taming the Toddler The time has come to keep the toddler busy during school.  I’ve always had to keep him occupied, of course, but now I’m finding the need for an arsenal of ideas so that school can flow smoothly.  Well, as smoothly as school can flow with a toddler…

Bittersweet Days

My last baby has (finally) stopped nursing.  We’ve both cried some, but he is a big boy who understands that it’s time to move on. On the positive side, though, I can have dairy and citrus products again!  (He’s allergic to both and I have truly sacrificed for him for nearly two years without cheese…

Almost Two

It’s hard to believe my littlest one is almost two.  Time flies.  He’s been up to some antics lately that I wanted to be sure to document….. During a family movie one evening, we made “real” popcorn in a pan on the stove.  The following day, Eli was served corn as part of his lunch. …

Babysitting and Chores

What’s an eight-year-old boy to do when he’s been told he has chores to finish before he watches tv AND his mom asks him to watch the toddler for a few minutes?  Well, tie the toddler to a leash and make him do your chores, what else? (The sad thing is – Eli LOVED this…

Out of the Mouths of Babes

In preparing to speak to the THINK and CACH homeschool support goups this week, I haven’t had (and probably won’t have) much time to blog.  I’m very excited about both of these meetings because I get to see a few long lost homeschooling friends AND meet a few blogging friends!  Not to mention, I get to…

The Day I Became a Mommy

I’ve been waiting a long time to become a mommy.  Up until now, I’ve been a mama.  Don’t get me wrong, I love being a mama, but there’s just something extra-special about being a mommy.  :o)  This weekend, that sweet word started rolling out of Eli’s mouth and I just can’t get enough of it!…

Nature, Up Close and Personal

I’m Baaaack!  We finally bought a new camera yesterday!  🙂  I just haven’t been the same blogger since the old camera died.  LOL  Here’s the perfect moment caught on film, er, digital something or other….. Tonight was SO beautiful, we decided to take a short walk to the barn to visit with a couple of…