nature walk

Fine Arts Tuesday Week 2

Tuesdays are such a sweet treat!  Nature study, artist study, art projects, composer study, tea time and an afternoon club are making for full and fun days. Last week’s nature study turned out to be working cattle in the barn with dad.  I had planned on a nice walk to observe trees and their lines, but…

June’s Creation Club

Yep, we’re still as busy as beavers around here!  I thought I’d stop in for a few minutes to show you some of the fun from our Creation Club this month….. We met at the local cemetery.  Cemeteries are wonderful for nature study!  Typically, they have a huge variety of trees, shrubs, fungi, weathering and…


Have you ever visited Shakertown?  It’s such a lovely place to visit in Central KY.  This weekend, we were treated to our first ever overnight stay in one of the original village buildings!  My father-in-law took our family and the horses for two days of trail riding, hiking, touring and dining at the historic restaurant. …


Mahayla and one of her best buds have been planning a camping trip since January.  Yes, that’s FIVE months!  After many revised lists, faxes to one another and late nights on the phone planning, the trip finally happened this weekend.  The two girls and two other best buds (along with a couple of Dads and,…

A jug tied to a stick is drug through a pond. An image for a blog post about ponds

Creation Club – Ponds

This post contains affiliate links. So here’s what I had envisioned. A peaceful day at the pond with children who ever-so-quietly and diligently explored life in and around the pond.  Children who would pull out their nature journals at every interesting find, writing lovely poems and prayers.  A day of discovery and awe. Here’s what happened….

Haircuts and Flowers

Yesterday was a b-u-s-y day!  Between a 15-month checkup with shots (ouch!) for little one and his first haircut, we really put Eli through the ringer.  I’d been waiting until we got the new camera before taking him for his first haircut and this picture shows just how badly he needed it.  🙂 You’ll see…

Our First Creation Club

Even with almost half of our club missing due to a funeral/illness/traveling, the first ever meeting of our Creation Club was a BLAST!  This month’s theme focused on why we study God’s creation and how God has perfectly designed plant and animal interdependency through food chains and predator/prey relationships. The meeting started with a reading of Psalm 95:…

Bird Center

Here’s the newest summer center at our house – Birds! The box of books on the right includes nonfiction books about all sorts of birds – everything from birds we see around here to penguins to toucans.  I’ve also included some really good children’s literature that have birds as characters – Make Way for Ducklings…