
Girls sitting around a table sorting dried beans. For a blog post about building your own taxonomy.

Bean Classification: A Logic and Science Activity for High School

Logic and critical thinking easily meet science in this bean classification activity. Using a simple 16-bean soup mix, middle and high school students can develop their own systems of classification. It’s such a great way to practice classification and re-classification strategies based on debatable characteristics. Speaking of debate, the activity provides a great opportunity for…

Test tubes with green, blue, orange, and yellow liquid with flowers in them. It is the image for a blog post about a hidden gem in your homeschool community.

Have You Found This Hidden Homeschooling Gem in Your Community?

If you have a cooperative extension service in your community, you’ve hit the homeschooling jackpot. A homeschool 4-H club through our cooperative extension service is one of the best groups we’ve ever joined. What’s a cooperative extension service? It’s a cooperation between communities and universities that provides training and services to the community on the…

Kids play a game on the floor. For a blog post about logic and critical thinking.

20 Excellent Resources for a Homeschool Co-op Logic and Critical Thinking Class

At co-op this year, I have the privilege of teaching two logic and critical thinking classes – one for high school and one for middle school. We’re having a great time together! I promised a little look inside that class, so here goes. This post contains affiliate links. The Main Content I’m doing similar things for both…

Expo Competition Night

School has been out since the end of April, meaning all the school-related posts that I’ll be publishing soon are way overdue.  Oh well, better late than never.  Our summer vacation has been nothing short of a whirlwind so far, but I wouldn’t trade the busyness with my sweet family for anything!  I’ll try to…

Field Day

Field Day at our co-op is always such a fun day!  In their class rotations, the kids go around to seven different activities. Tug-of-war Long Jump Softball Throw 50 Yard Dash Three-legged Race Sack Race Obstacle Course The moms sign up to either work a station or escort classes from station to station.  Those who…

Science Activity Bags

I can’t tell you how excited I am about the Science Experiements in a Bag exchange we had at co-op this week!  Remember the preschool bags?   The same company that sells the preschool activity bag idea book now has a science experiment bag idea book!  My big kids can’t wait to dive into these!…

Co-op Talent Expo

This past weekend was time once again for our co-op’s talent expo.  It’s such a fun time of sharing talents and competing for ribbons in the areas of art, music, drama, spelling, Bible memorization, cooking, woodworking, science fair and/or sewing. This year’s projects for Caleb included two art projects, a *huge* birdhouse and a derby…

Kids dressed up for a Night at the Museum Party

Night at the Museum Party

(This post contains affiliate links.) Night at the Museum Movie: Watch and Learn Short and Sweet Version: Co-op Class Only Meets Twice First Meeting:  Everyone watches the movie, Night at the Museum, together.  This meeting is strictly for fun. At Home:  Each child chooses either an historical character from the movie, another interesting person from…