alphabet lessons

The Letter I

Preschool Lessons for the Letter I (This post contains affiliate links.) The letter I was tons of fun – and my big kids even took part in putting together some of the activities.  They make very good preschool teachers, too! An insect poster graces our alphabet wall. Icky experiment #1 – a miniature volcano The…

The Letter H

Preschool Lessons for the Letter H (This post contains affiliate links.) We painted hand after hand to make these colorful handprints. Cutting playdough shapes in half is an easy way to teach early fractions. We couldn’t pass up playing Hi Ho Cherry-O this week. A game called The wHole Picture teaches matching in a unique…

The Letter G

Preschool Lessons for the Letter G (This post contains affiliate links.) All of the printables in this post came from Confessions of a Homeschooler.  She has a great resource of activity ideas and free pages for all the letters of the alphabet! This simple cutting activity turned construction paper into grass for our alphabet wall…

The Letter F

Preschool Lessons for the Letter F (This post contains affiliate links.) Creativeness failed me during our study of the letter F.  That and the fact that this week was b-u-s-y! Foam fruit was sorted, graphed and used to fill in our F template. All the fun printables of this post came from Confessions of a…

The Letter E

Preschool Lessons for the Letter E (This post contains affiliate links.) Eli wrote his very first word! This chubby little construction paper elephant became part of our alphabet wall. Measuring edges is easy with nonstandard measurement tools like animal crackers. A bingo marker makes for a fun tactile experience with letter formation – not to…

The Letter D

Preschool Lessons for the Letter D (This post contains affiliate links.) The letter D was more fun than any other so far!  There are just so many things having to do with D words… Edible playdough made from peanut butter was so much fun to play with. I cut out the pieces to this dinosaur…

Little animated butterfly with "We love the ABC's on it's wings and green background.

Weekly ABC Activities

(This post contains affiliate links.) A Year of ABC’s Each week of the preschool year, we’re going to focus on one letter of the alphabet.  It’s going to be so much fun centering our lessons around these letters!  While the lessons will vary each week, there are some things that will remain consistent week in…

The Letter C

Preschool Lessons for the Letter C (This post contains affiliate links.) I apologize for the fuzzy pictures.  Something went wonky with the camera this week. A visit to the “C”reation Museum was a must-do for the letter C! This cloud made from cotton balls was easy and fun – and became our alphabet wall poster….

The Letter B

Preschool Lessons for the Letter B (This post contains affiliate links.) After finding a printable butterfly from the internet, I let Eli place blobs of tempera paint on one side of the butterfly.  Together, we folded the paper over.  When Eli opened the paper, he had a beautiful symmetrical butterfly! I gave Eli tweezers and…

The Letter A

Preschool Lessons for Letter A (This post contains affiliate links.) I’m having so much fun doing preschool again!  Eli and I are focusing on one letter per week or so and doing everything from letter recognition and formation to crafts and recipes.  Just about everything is tactile and involves large or small motor skills, too….