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Summer 2012

Where have I been this summer?  Golly, my head is spinning and I’m not sure at all where I’ve been or what I’ve been doing.  I do know that I haven’t had much time to sit down!  And the garden is just coming on, so sitting down doesn’t look to be in my future for some time.  Even with all the busyness, I wouldn’t trade these crazy moments with my family for the world!

I hope your summer is going well!

Summer fun

  • Mahayla and I took a girl trip to Mammoth Cave with her BFF.
  • Caleb celebrated his 12th birthday.
  • Our family helped with the CHEK Conference and I hosted a Shining Dawn Books booth.
  • We’ve enjoyed many nature walks when the weather hasn’t been brutally hot.
  • We’ve piddled around with activities from my summer fun Pinterest board.
  • Caleb’s baseball team visited a teammate in the hospital.
  • Speaking of baseball…it (and softball) have been responsible for most of my dizzying summer moments!

  • Hours have been spent on the four-wheeler.
  • We hosted a YHEC Event sponsored by the NRA.
  • Because of our extreme drought conditions, we’ve had two dust storms.
  • We love our chickens!
  • Trampolines, sprinklers, friends and cousins have kept us laughing.
  • Visits from grandparents and great-grandparents are always fun.
  • The kids have enjoyed keeping themselves busy with the ideas on my summer fun Pinterest board, too.

I have several meaty posts in the works beginning in August.  Until then, have a safe summer and make memories!


  1. What a wonderful Summer you al are having. If not for the heat and dry weather it would be perfect. I love the picture of your dd painting the great granparent nails.
    Blessings, Dawn

  2. This Fall my kids and and I are traveling to MI from AZ and then back, enjoying the road trip along the way. On our way back we are heading to Nashville and I was thinking about stopping off at Mammoth Cave and I was excited to see that you had gone there. Do you have any recommendations or suggestions for a visit there? Or any other places that may be fun to visit along the way? Thank you so much, we are excited about our road trip.

  3. You’ll love Mammoth Cave! There are several possibilities in the area…

    Obviously, take a cave tour!
    KY Down Under is hands-on and zoo-like featuring Australian animals and culture.
    The Corvette factory offers free tours.

    What an exciting trip you have ahead of you! Be safe and have fun.

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