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Personally, I think self-portraits (or any human figure for that matter) are very h-a-r-d to draw.  We have tackled self-portraits during art many times over the years and each time I see improvements.  Well, if you can call snot hanging out of the boy’s nose improvement.  Oh, what to do with 11 year old boys who think they’re funny??

This time around, we used a tutorial from Art Projects for Kids which helped the kids to understand spacing of their facial features.

What happened to my artist/picture study time?

Some of you have asked how I’m handling art and artist study this year.  We are integrating artist/picture study into history.  Diana Waring has done a great job including period art and artists into her History Revealed curriculum!  On weeks when we aren’t covering historical art/artists, we’re simply doing fun projects with various media that help grow art skills – such as drawing, perspective, shading, etc.

Where do I find my art ideas?

Lots of homeschooling moms tell me they really want to include art, but don’t know where to start.  I often struggle with knowing where to go with art, too.  Some years I’ve had a serious plan in place and have spent quite some time creating themed studies.  Other years, I fly by the seat of my pants.  This year, the invention of Pinterest has helped me fly by the seat of my pants more effectively!  lol  I “pin” great ideas as I find them and simply grab one of the ideas each week as I’m planning lessons.

You are welcome to check out my art pins to add to your own idea bank.  (Quite a lot of my art pins are located on other boards.  For example, I have several GREAT art lessons pinned to my Snow and Ice board for winter lessons.  So, in other words, you might browse around my boards a bit.)

You are also welcome to enjoy my artist and picture study themes.  There are a bunch of them!

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