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Presidents of the United States Unit

A thorough Presidents of the United States unit study can be a unique way to learn American history and geography. However, a quick study of one or more presidents can be just as great.

In this mini unit study, my children completed research-based, project-based learning as they each explored the lives of five presidents and completed five creative projects. They had so much fun in the learning, planning, and presentations!

United States Presidents Study | Our Journey Westward

A Mini Presidents of the United States Unit Study

This unit took only two weeks!

I’ll get right to the short and sweet of how we did a Presidents of the United States unit so thoroughly, yet so quickly.  We simply read a book everyday about past presidents, the job of being the president, and the White House and Washington D.C.  Each kiddo had to choose five presidents to research and complete a project about each one.  At the end of the two weeks, they presented their projects – short, sweet, and simple for me!

They were able to choose from the following project choices:

  • a file folder report
  • a photographic poster
  • a sculpture and mini-report
  • a cereal box report
  • a newspaper article
  • a mobile

I gave them very little direction in completing projects this time around.  After the presentations, we talked about each project and the good points.  We also evaluated what could’ve been better.  My children were pretty hard on themselves – harder than I would’ve been!  But, it was good for them to notice what they might improve on next time.

The Projects

Mahayla’s (7th grade)

U.S. Presidents Project-Based Learning

Before presentations, the projects were displayed for viewing.

Project-based learning about world history with a missions focus

This photographic poster uses clipart from the internet and color copies from books as visuals with colorful note cards for information about the pictures.

Project-based learning about world history with a missions focus

A cereal box report utilizes all the sides for various bits of information and stores a fun object inside to show-n-tell during the presentation.

Project-based learning about world history with a missions focus

The mobile uses clip art from the internet and photocopies from books to hang on the strings from a hanger.  Descriptions of the pictures are written on the back of each picture.

Project-based learning about world history with a missions focus

These are simple written reports.


Caleb’s (4th grade)

Project-based learning about world history with a missions focus

This is another display of all the projects before presentation time.

Project-based learning about world history with a missions focus

Like above, this is another photograph poster.

Project-based learning about world history with a missions focus

This is a file folder report.  The inside holds two pages of writings and drawings.

Project-based learning about world history with a missions focus

Here is another mobile.

And here is a newspaper article.

Presidents of the U.S. Literature and Informational Books

Reading great books was a big part of the learning and research. Besides the books below, my children also checked out books about the individual presidents they were studying when our library had some available.

This post contains affiliate links.

Smart About the Presidents (Smart About History)Time for Kids: Presidents of the United StatesKids Meet the Presidents 3rd Edition (9)Arthur Meets the President: An Arthur Adventure (Arthur Adventures)If I Were PresidentIf I Were PresidentIf I Ran For PresidentSo You Want to Be President?: The Revised and Updated EditionOur White House: Looking In, Looking Out


Presidents of the U.S. Notebooking Pages

This resource wasn’t available when my children completed their study of the presidents. However, for children who aren’t big on projects and/or they prefer written research that can be neatly organized, notebooking pages are a great option.

Presidents of the U.S. Games

I love using games to enhance our homeschooling. They are just so darn sneaky. And, trivia-style games help children effortlessly memorize crazy amounts of information. We thoroughly enjoyed the following games!

Presidential Hangman

US Presidents Pocket Flash CardsTaliCor Hail to The ChiefBrainBox: US PresidentsProfessor Noggin's Presidents of the United States - A Educational Trivia Based Card Game For KidsMeet The Presidents Trivia GameYo Millard Fillmore! (And all those other Presidents you don't know)


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  1. I like your project idea. You say you gave them little direction. What did you tell them? I’d love to hear more about this way of teaching. It sounds like it gives the kids some independence, and that’s where we need to start heading.

    Each child did an assortment of projects it seems. Did you give them a number to do or was that also their choice?

    Your kids seem very conscientious. Tell us how you instill that in them.

    Okay, there’s a week worth of blog post ideas! LOL.

  2. I’ve been thinking about a post on project-based learning. Thanks for giving me a push! I’ll get to it very soon. :o)

  3. LOVE THIS…. I may have to steal the idea.

    As always I can count on you for some great things.

  4. Pingback: Project-Based Learning
  5. This looks like it was a fun and interactive Presidental unit study!

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