Mary Cassatt
We have SO enjoyed studying Mary Cassatt! Mary Cassatt Art Work Gallery Jimmie’s Squidoo Lens
We have SO enjoyed studying Mary Cassatt! Mary Cassatt Art Work Gallery Jimmie’s Squidoo Lens
In Kentucky, there is the possibility of a new law taking effect that would allow our homeschooled children to take part in public school sports without having to be part of the public school system otherwise. Many homeschoolers in our state are in favor of such a law – and I can definitely see their…
Lewis and Clark kept wonderfully detailed journals as they charted unknown American territory in the early 1800’s. Their journals included everything from a daily diary of events to sketches and descriptions of new plants and animals along the way to maps of the land around them. To help my children understand the scope of what…
Not everyday is a full unit study day around here, but today was one of those days where every subject just fit perfectly into the Lewis and Clark portion of our Westward Expansion unit. (Except Bible time. I could have fit that in, too, but we’re working our way through Hebrews and I didn’t want…
The time has come to set out some winter learning centers. Even though the kids get outside almost everyday still, it’s just too cold to stay out for long. Without friendly reminders around the house, one of my sweet children will do nothing but beg to watch the TV for hours. So, in different places…
(This post contains affiliate links.) In researching and making plans for our unit on the westward expansion, I was reminded about another important event in history that I couldn’t possibly leave out of our learning time – the Industrial Revolution, including the subject of child labor. My children were very much moved by the thought…
(This post contains affiliate links.) Taming the Toddler The time has come to keep the toddler busy during school. I’ve always had to keep him occupied, of course, but now I’m finding the need for an arsenal of ideas so that school can flow smoothly. Well, as smoothly as school can flow with a toddler…
(This post contains affiliate links.) Our Westward Expansion Unit Study: Part One ~ The Plan Part Two ~ The Resources Part Three ~ Project Week Daily: Copywork Quotes from Amanda Bennett’s Pioneers Timeline and Map work Reading/Research Work on one or more projects (project ideas below) and/or work on a hands-on project from Westward Ho!,…
I listened to Casting Crown’s While You Were Sleeping many times this Christmas season. Each time, I was moved. Each time, I found myself silently (or not so silently sometimes) saying, “Amen.” Listen for yourself. I was particularly moved by “As we’re sung to sleep by philosophies that save the trees and kill the children…”…
Great December Reading Oh, and have you met God? Apparently Eli has! Every time he gets his busy little fingers on a Santa ornament he says, “God.” (Very reverently, I might add.) His innocent little eyes looking up at us with complete seriousness that he is holding God right in his chubby little hands. …
This has been such a relaxing and awesome study! Using Easy Fun School’s free unit titled The Names of Jesus, we’ve spent a little time each day focusing on one of His names from the Bible and creating a scrapbook-style keepsake for each name. I chose not to include most of the other suggestions from…
My children seem to think all the snow is wonderful! After a busy day of snowmen and sledding, they spent hours cutting out and hanging snowflakes all over their bedrooms. It’s festive for sure! (I’m keeping my fingers crossed that all that tape doesn’t pull the paint from the ceiling! Oh well, they’re only kids…