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Our New Additions

Goats!  The kiddos are going to try their hand at showing goats at the fair this summer.  They’re just as cute as can be, but I hear horror stories about goats carrying lice.  (Gasp!)  I’m amazed at how much fun my children and husband have “playing” with animals and hanging out at the barn.  Me, I’ll take chores in the house any day over animal chores!


  1. Oh… they are so cute! We plan on getting a few goats someday. I hadn’t heard about the lice though. (Gasp indeed!)

  2. ok cindy, in case you haven’t read my blog post on my winter lice trama, I am a lice expert 🙂 Anyway, head lice do not like animals. They only feed off human blood…I know, totally gross, right?! Goats might have something like fleas, but not lice. I’m so sad that I know this!

  3. Goats do get lice, but they are goat lice, not people lice. No need to fear!

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