My Oldest Love

She turned 12. How did that happen?? Happy Birthday my sweet girl, or I suppose I should say my sweet young lady! What a privilege and honor to be your mother!
We had lots of fun celebrating with a little ice skating, a family party and a girls-only (plus a toddler) shopping trip.

Oh, and I can’t forget the very yummy hummingbird cake!
Time flies when you’re having fun. Now I’m realizing how short my remaining time with her as my baby might be! Guess we’ll just have to make the most of each and every opportunity. Thank you, Lord, for all the time we have together because of homeschooling!
my oldest turned 12 a few months ago – the time does fly!
Oh Cindy, I so get your bitter-sweet feelings of your oldest baby growing up. Grace, my oldest, turned 12 at the beginning of Feb also…and Claira, the baby of our family, turns 4 tomorrow. I have her her last hug as a 3 year old as I tucked her into bed. Yes, the kiddos growing up is such a bitter-sweet thing. Sigh.
Ohhhh, I couldn’t believe when mine turned 12 and now my baby is going to be 16 this year!!! I still am amazed that she’s going to be that old!
Time does go by too quickly! My oldest turned 12 in October. It seemed like just yesterday he was our baby :).
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I love Hummingbird cake…Its a fav in this house!