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More Snow Fun

My children seem to think all the snow is wonderful!  After a busy day of snowmen and sledding, they spent hours cutting out and hanging snowflakes all over their bedrooms.  It’s festive for sure!  (I’m keeping my fingers crossed that all that tape doesn’t pull the paint from the ceiling!  Oh well, they’re only kids once.)

Merry Christmas!


  1. Candace King says:

    Hi Cindy! So glad to hear from you. Your blog is so great! I have been here, but not in a while (my husband thought my “favorites” list needed cleaning up and deleted my whole list). And I’m not real tech savvy like you and Nancy, so it’s hard to remember who I used to visit : ) I cannot believe how much your Eli has grown! Your blog is such an encouragement. Tell Dawn O., hello too.

  2. Hello! How are you? I’ve not called you too much this week…LOL. I came over just to look at your pretty new home here on the web. We loved having all that snow! Kelsey played for hours in it. Have a great week!

  3. Cindy, hi there! Does the CM carnival have any specific topic? Or just any general CM post? I will see if I can work on something…

    Oh and I noticed you have another “Candace” posting and we spell our names the same way! That is pretty rare! 🙂 Hi to the other Candace! LOL!


  4. I love all the snowflakes hanging from their ceilings!

    I’ll be submitting at least one article soon for the carnival.

    Love, Melissa

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