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Happy Birthday My Sweet Seven Year Old!

Seven.  How do the years go by so quickly?  As I sit holding Eli, I remember holding Caleb the same way what seems like only yesterday.

He’s always been my cuddle-bug.  I don’t understand how someone can be so full of energy, so busy, so fast and so independent, yet give more hugs than anybody I’ve ever met.  Have you ever seen Dash from The Incredibles?  Have you ever seen Hammy from Over The Hedge?  Put them together and you’ve met Caleb.  But in the midst of all the action, he still always has time for me.  His Mom.  I prefer Mommy, but Mom will now do.

I’m very proud to be his Mom.  I know the Lord must have some amazing plans for him.  I don’t want the years to go quickly, but I do look forward to watching God in action with this kid.

Thank you, God, for this beautiful little boy that you’ve entrusted to my care.  Make him yours and do amazing things through him in spite of me and the lousy job I sometimes do.  Happy Birthday, sweet son.

Many asked if I made the cake.  Yes, and it was VERY easy.  The sand is crushed vanilla wafers, the seaweed is a twisted fruit roll, the lobster is m &m’s, I used Goldfish for the school of fish, the other animals are gummy Swedish Fish candies and the Sponge Bob  characters were found in the cake decorating section at the grocery.  I sort of combined a few ideas I found from the internet.  My kids were very excited because I never buy gummies and roll-ups!

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