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Creative Memorization Ideas

Creative Memorization Ideas

My all-time favorite creative memorization tool so far has been Times Tales!  My oldest daughter had struggled with the upper multiplication facts for months.  In ONE day of this program, she knew the facts!  I’m not kidding!  It uses little stories to tell about each fact.  After doing the program with her, I still can’t think of 8×7 without picturing Mrs. Snowman and Mrs. Week driving one mile over the speed limit at 56mph!

Getting children to memorize anything from math facts and spelling words to Bible verses and history dates is going to depend greatly on their learning style.  Lucky for us, there are a wealth of ideas and resources available for memorization using different learning styles:

-lists or topics put to songs (like Lyrical Life Science, Garden of Praise (FREE), Geography Songs, or States and Capitals Songs)


-facts put into silly stories

-mnemonic devices

-reviewing facts or verses using clapping rhythms or movement rhythms

-reviewing facts or verses with large motor movements like tossing a ball fact and forth

Here’s a fun site I found on the internet with ideas for memorizing Bible verses.  You could use the same ideas for a variety of memory work topics.

Enjoy memorization!  Here are some fun resources to help you…

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