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Charlotte Mason Carnival

Welcome to the Charlotte Mason Carnival!  An Atmosphere of Learning is our theme – and don’t you just LOVE the atmosphere a Charlotte Mason education provides??  Me, too!

I wouldn’t trade for the world our times of snuggling up with living books, basking in the sunshine of nature study, or enjoyment of handicrafts and artist study.  I bet you wouldn’t either.  All the contributors this week are sharing, in one way or another, a glimpse into their wonderful Charlotte Mason homeschools.  Enjoy!

Barb shares precious homeschooling wisdom in her post Ingredients to Building a Lifelong Learner.

Lanaya shows us how her family enjoys poetry in Appreciating Poetry.

Naomi reminds us to teach gratitude in The Atmosphere of Economic Woes.

Amy inspires us to think about how precious each moment is with our children in Atmosphere: Intentional Living.

Jimmie gives us direction in focusing on poetry in Poet Study: Maya Angelou.

Patti provides some reading accountability for her family in Reading Record Sheets.

Shannon shares some living literature activities about the book Harold and the Purple Crayon.

Nancy encourages us to enjoy winter nature walks in Fertile Observations and Family Diaries.

Penny writes about the power of living literature in I Tell You, It Works.

Kelly shares her thoughts about how a Charlotte Mason education still works in Homeschool Methods: Charlotte Mason in the Modern Age.

Tammy gives us a glimpse into creating a Charlotte Mason atmosphere with a special needs child in A Full Life in the Real World.

I have shared about Nature Study in the Winter and some yummy living math ideas in M&M Math.

And that’s a wrap.  I hope you feel refreshed and armed with new ideas or new resolve.  Enjoy the rest of your week!


  1. Wonderful carnival. And it’s nice to see our new graphic up there. (wink)

  2. Woo hoo! Looking forward to reading though this all week!

  3. Thank you!!! Can’t wait to go through and read all of these posts!

  4. I can’t get Penny’s I Tell You It Works to load … is the link broken? Thank you!

    I’ve so far enjoyed Appreciating Poetry.


  5. Glory, it seems to work for me. It did load a little slowly, though. I hope you’re able to read it today!

  6. I especially love making new friends too. Emily Dickinson speaks to me in ways she never did when I was in high school. The living brushstrokes of van Gogh has helped me appreciate his art in new ways. I had never taken Schubert seriously until now and his music is delightful. But, even better is seeing my daughter look forward to reading Plutarch and Shakespeare and sigh sadly that we are saying goodbye to Meg, Calvin, and Charles Wallace in A Wrinkle in Time today. Sniff!

  7. Hi Cindy! Thanks for hosting and i really enjoyed reading your article. I’m so excited to read more from you. Keep up the good work and keep posting. Thanks!

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