
Purple night-blooming flowers

Night-Blooming Flowers Nature Study for Kids

Night-blooming plants flower during the nighttime, usually just after sunset. They are also called nocturnal flowers. Does it sound strange that night-blooming flowers exist? They do and that’s the topic of this intriguing nature study! Have you seen a night-bloomer before? A few common examples include jasmine, moonflowers, evening primrose, and angel’s trumpet. Surprisingly, they…

Bee on yellow flower advertising nature study classes

Bee Nature Study

Bees are insects that belong to the same family as ants and wasps. Yes, they are related to ants! Additionally, there are over 20,000 different species of bees in the world. As you can already see, bee nature study is fascinating and I’m excited for you to learn alongside me! One of the best things…

Bowl of ripe, red strawberries

Strawberry Nature Study

One of the wonderful things about the approach of warm weather are all of the yummy things that are in season and maybe even growing in your own garden or backyard! One of those special seasonal treats is strawberries! Strawberry nature study has to be one of the yummies things you can study in the…