Nature Study

Nature study has been one of the most rewarding subjects in our homeschool through the years. It reaches deeply into every single realm of science. It gets us outdoors for fresh air, sunshine and exercise. It creatively includes other subjects like language arts, math, geography, and even history. But most importantly, God has revealed so much about Himself to us through the study of nature.

Nature study works easily with all homeschooling styles. It makes a huge difference with children who need to be active. It can meet all kinds of learning styles, and offers those with learning disabilities a fresh perspective on learning to give them success. Best of all, nature study works really, really well when teaching multiple ages. I know you’ll enjoy some amazing learning using the lessons you’ll find below. Have fun!

The Creation Museum

(While I was provided free admission into the Creation Museum this trip, I believe so strongly in their mission that my family held a five-year membership until recently.)We’ve been to the Creation Museum more times than I remember.  It’s fresh, uplifting and full of learning every. single. time. If you haven’t been and have the…

Early Spring Nature Study

This post contains links to my NaturExplorers curriculum. It’s Spring! I’m so excited to be back outdoors on a regular basis with my children!  Are you ready to jump back into nature study, too?  Fresh air.  The world slowing coming back to life.  Warm air one day, cool air the next.  Sunshine, rain, even snow. …

A Walk to the Mailbox

It’s been a long winter in Kentucky. Considering we had snow yesterday (March 6th), you could say I’m just a little more than ready for spring.  Just before the weather turned chilly, I took an autumn walk down the long gravel road to the mailbox.  I thought I’d share a few nature scenes that blessed…

Pontoon Tour

In October, we were blessed to take a *free* pontoon tour of the KY River in Frankfort with my parents.  The city offers this tour weekly late spring through early fall as a unique historical guided tour of Kentucky’s capital city. Boats, dams, bridges, flood walls, historical sties, historical stories and more made for fascinating…

Cove Springs Nature Walk

While we love simple nature walks around our home, we also love taking the time once a month (sometimes more often) to go somewhere interesting for nature study.  This post highlights our autumn walk through the wetland trails of Cove Springs in Frankfort, KY.  What a beautiful afternoon! We were blessed to have my parents…

Science Notebooking with Microscopes blog image with little boy looking through a microscope in the background

Science Notebooking with Microscopes

(This post contains affiliate links.) Notebooking with kindergarteners??  Isn’t that asking too much? No way…especially when it comes from authentic, meaningful experiences! We own a modest microscope and some simple prepared slides that made for a wonderful science notebooking lesson last week.  Just having these things sitting out was enough to spark an interest that…

Preschool leaf activity image with colorful leaves in the background

Preschool Leaf Study

It’s autumn and time to have a little leaf fun with your preschoolers and kindergarteners! The Colors of Autumn in Play Dough After observing the changing colored leaves on trees, let your little ones create their own autumn trees from play dough or clay.  You might even use some autumn scented play dough. Perimeter with…

Collage of summer nature including trees, yellow flowers, butterflies, dandelions, and more.

Early Fall Nature Studies

Early Fall Nature Studies are FUN! Early autumn is such a wonderful time of the year for nature studies!  The crispness in the air keeps walks comfortable, while the scenery abounds with exciting treasures to find. Believe it or not, the photos in all of the collages were taken during only one short woodland walk! …

Leaves with red berries as a blog post about a late summer nature study

August Nature Study

  (This post contains links to my business website, Shining Dawn Books.) August Nature Study Anytime is the perfect time for nature study, but late summer is especially wonderful! All the photos above were taken during nature walks over the last two weeks.  So, just what topics do I recommend studying right about now? Animal…