Middle School

Little sharks swimming through dark blue water. Image is for a podcast about sharks.

Shark Nature Study

We don’t often go underwater for nature study, but that’s where we need to go – at least in our imaginations – to discover some of the tiniest sharks in the ocean. Enjoy shark nature study in another fun No Sweat Nature Study Podcast episode! Sharks Nature Study Test your listening skills! How many of…

Red chickens standing in green grass. Image is for a podcast about chickens.

Chicken Nature Study

Learn about everyone’s favorite domesticated fowl in this chicken nature study! Explore the reason behind a chicken’s unique practice of ingesting rocks.  Chicken Nature Study After listening to the podcast episode, quiz listening and comprehension skills by asking these questions about chickens. Chickens Nature Study Video Class In the upcoming No Sweat Nature Study LIVE…

Black and yellow spider on a white web with green plants in the background. Image is for a podcast about garden helpers.

Garden Helpers Nature Study

Last summer, we learned about pests in the garden. It’s only fair to enjoy a garden helpers nature study this year! Before listening to this episode of the No Sweat Nature Study Podcast, how many animals can you think of that might be helpful in a flower or vegetable garden? Garden Helpers Nature Study As…

Images of picture book covers for a blog post about fairy tales boys love

Fairy Tales Boys Love

Look at this list of fairy tales boys love! And why wouldn’t they? These stories are filled with adventure and mystery! Have you noticed that many fairy tales have wonderfully strong female characters? There’s not a thing in the world wrong with that! However, when I set out to write Character Building Chapter Books for Boys,…