
The Easter Story in Nature worksheet with a crown of thorns in the corner.

The Easter Story: A Nature Walk

  Easter Nature Study It’s been awhile since my Creation Club met for nature study together. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to share the Easter story with them and do some mini-hunts based on the ideas suggested in Nature Study Through the Holidays: Easter. Easter Scavenger Hunt Printable For the class, I also created…

Spring Fun

April and May were two of the busiest months I think I’ve ever had!  Here are just a few of the things that kept me busy…  (This isn’t even the half of it!)

Cleopatra Exhibit

Every once in a while, blogging has nice perks.  As a blogger in the Greater Cincinnati area, my children and I were invited to tour the traveling exhibit, Cleopatra: The Search for the Last Queen of Egypt, at the Cincinnati Museum Center.  We just so happened to be finishing up Ancient Greek history and moving…

Ancient History Helps

We’re more than half-way through our study of ancient history using Ancient Civilizations and the Bible by Diana Waring.  As we’ve gotten to know the curriculum, I’ve found a few things to be extremely useful in helping my children “see” and understand the material.  By no means are they necessary in order to complete the…

If You Give a Girl a Needle

She might design a purse! Because of our Charlotte Mason style homeschool, I’ve encouraged handicrafts such as sewing, crocheting and knitting from the very beginning.  I’ve enlisted the help of a 90+ year old neighbor, a grandmother and a 4-H sewing class – for, you see, I’m not good at any of these skills! Mahayla…

Ancient Israel

The history of Ancient Israel is now under our belts!  I have to admit that I swerved from the textbook a tad during this unit to add  several hands-on ideas that I simply couldn’t pass up from Old Testament Days.  This unit study guide is perfect for active learning!   Below you’ll find a mixture…

National Missionary Convention

Another field trip bites the dust.  More than a simple field trip, though, this one was life changing!   The National Missionary Convention was held this past weekend in Lexington, and because our church registered, we were able to attend for free.  You know me and field trips, I wasn’t about to pass up a free…

Red heart with blue background. "Games for Homeschooling" written across it.

Favorite Games for Homeschooling

(This post contains affiliate links and links to my business website, Shining Dawn Books.) Games for Homeschooling? During my workshops about creative homeschooling and living math, I often talk about incorporating games into the school schedule. If your family has an established game night, you probably already know how educational many board and card games…

KY State Fair

We love the State Fair!  This year was our first time being more than spectators and we had a busy, but exciting blast.  The big kids showed goats two nights in a row, which left two days full of exploring all the sights and sounds. Some kind friends hauled our two goats to the fair…